Începe de la început

The holographic image of the first appearance of Earth flashes. The planet was covered by a vast ocean of orange, yellow and red liquid with no continents at all. It was plain, dark and lonely. Extremely hot, too. It was more like the end than its beginning.

"For the first billion years, Earth had no life. The planet's atmosphere has lots of water vapor, but no oxygen. The water vapor from the atmosphere produces rain that formed the magmatic oceans with overabundance of metals that made Earth too toxic to support life."

Bright, warning red lights emitted throughout the universe and in a blink of an eye, a hologram of an unknown planet appeared, making its way towards the hologram of Earth. The planet fiercely strikes through space, beginning to burn up and resemble a fireball as the velocity appears to be faster than the speed of light.

Our eyes squinted at the radiation when the planet completed its mission to hit Earth, my heart thumping really fast from the sudden revelation. The hand that we used to shield our eyes from the light slowly drop, seeing the objects that exploded evaporating and forming into a round, large clump above Earth.

"In an unexpected mass extinction, a Mars-like planet named Theia hits Earth, giving cause of a massive catastrophic explosion on some portion of the planet. The torn chunks of landmasses evaporated, creating Earth's only Moon known as Luna."

The hologram of the planet started to spin in an exaggerated matter. Another set of warning lights illuminated as over billions of asteroids starts banging Earth. The planet twitches at every pound, as if it was desiring to free itself from the destructive hazard. Slowly, vast oceans began to envelop the whole surrounding.

"The planet still hasn't recovered from the mass extinction when it experienced a late heavy bombardment. For million of years, asteroids hits Earth. This known asteroids are said to carry moistures, generating the ocean. As of today, half of the water of the world's ocean came to Earth from space. This was the reason why Earth was in readiness for life—"

Unexpectedly, the hologram glitched. From the coolest hue of blue, it was transformed to the warmest hue of red. Another evolvement. The planet began to rumble, materials that makes the Earth started to switch and elevate.

"—At least, that's what we have expected. Earth got hot and began melting. Heavier materials gravitated to the center generating the mantle; lighter materials drifted to the surface generating the crust; while some elements evaporated generating the atmosphere."

Volcanoes ascended from the land as eruptions happens from time to time. Even though it was just a holographic visual, I feel like I'm feeling the quakes. As the lava mixes with the liquid water, it started to solidify. The hologram rotates for a moment and stops with a jerk, showing us a large mass of ocean, but this time, there's a landmass present.

"Temperature before was extremely hot, being worsened by frequent volcano activities. It resembled Venus for a time with a hazy, steamy atmosphere. But, as the planet cooled, lava became rock and liquid water started to condense, generating the first large continent of our planet known as the Pangea."

The hologram spins, showing another evolvement of Earth. The space in our glabellas closed, seeing the planet covered in thick white layer. Hold on, is that snow?

"What you are viewing is known as the Snowball Earth. Earth begun as a molten ball of fire, now is a frozen ball of ice. Earth can't shield itself from the temperature, not even the sun can rescue the planet. But, Earth's insides' too hot that no ice age can kill volcanoes and the carbon dioxide from the eruptions which acculturated in the atmosphere gradually melted the glaciers, releasing huge amount of oxygen."

As the snow melts, the planet rumbles for the second time. As if it was a puzzle piece, the supercontinent just slowly fractures and went their separate ways. This became familiar to me as it shows the 7 continents of the world.

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