9 - Stu(dying)

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rad: hey, it's me. I'm so tired rn, just finished studying for exams and remembered this story I'm writing and I'm a faithful person so now I'm writing another chapter. Yesterday was my birthday, I'm 14. It's unique because my brother's birthday is right after mine. People think we're twins but we're not. Interestingly, we're exactly 365 x 2 days apart. Midterms in 4 days and I feel like I might cry. I'm starting to treat this as a diary, funny.


A few weeks have passed, which meant Uni has started. As surprising as it is, Y/N majors astrophysics WHILE being an active athlete. However, the burden that comes with is unmatchable. So here she is, sitting in a corner of a library, her hand constantly flipping research pages while her brain fumes. Her leg bounced silently as she squinted and buried her head in her notebook full of neat writing.

Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder which startled her. She turned around and saw a boy, seemingly her age. He looked shy and his phone was wrapped tightly around his hands. 

"H-Hey, I'm Kai Ezume and we've attended the same lectures lately."

Confused, Y/N quirked a brow and replied, "Hi, Kai-Kun. I've never seen you before." 

That statement made visible defeat on Kai's face but he still looked determined. He gathered his breath before saying, "Well, looks like you're struggling with astrophysics." His reply made Y/N smile. 

"That's true."

"We-Well, I can help you with that. Do you need a study bud-"

"HEY Y/N!" Atsumu out of nowhere yelled which granted him a death stare from the librarian, threatening him to be silent. "whoops..." he mumbled.

"Oh- hey 'Tsumu! How'd you know I was here?"

"Hori told me ya were here!" He replied with beaming eyes, but this time half whispering.

"And who's this?" He continued, his eyes scanning Kai up and down, a judgemental look displayed.

"Oh, he's Kai Ezume. He said we've attended the same lectures but I don't exactly have the best eyes."

"Oh and, what were you saying, Kai-Kun?" Y/N added, her focus now averted to Kai who was increasingly red.

"Uh- I'll continue later. Enjoy your time with your... boyfriend." He left swiftly, a glimpse of his dark blue eyes showing disappointment as his blonde hair bounced, syncing with his steps. He collected research books and seemingly chose a spot that could easily allow him to see Y/N subtly.

"He's not my boyfriend..." Y/N mumbled, her hand massaging her forehead as she looked back to the research books.

Atsumu stayed quiet and sat next to Y/N. Again, all he could focus on was Y/N's sour face. In his eyes, she was still beautiful. How her expressions change quickly whenever she reads more of the research books or how she sighs occasionally. If Y/N was his, he was sure to take pictures of her every single time he lays his eyes on her. 

"You keep staring like that and I might call the police." Y/N joked. Atsumu turned red and looked away while clearing his throat.

"What are ya studying?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Dynamics and blablabla of I don't know what discs."

"That's a long topic."

Y/N chuckled and nodded. "I'm clueless." Still, she continued reading and writing. No matter how stressful this was, academic validation is something she strives for. She's obsessed.

"Do ya want to clear your head?" Atsumu proposed.

"I do, but this research just can't wait."

Atsumu sighed and nodded as he looked around the library. His eyes met Kai's- or to be exact, he caught Kai staring at Y/N. Atsumu grunted and moved forward, blocking Y/N from Kai's view and shooting him an ugly look.

"You shouldn't do that," Y/N mumbled with a low chuckle.

"Wait, ya knew?" Atsumu asked in a surprised manner.

"Of course. Have you any idea of peripheral vision?"

"No." Y/N whipped her head to Atsumu in disbelief and a deadpan followed.

"What do they even teach you at school?"

"I dunno. I never paid attention to class."

"You should've," Y/N chuckled as she stood up. "Let's walk outside, I need the fresh air."

Atsumu beamed and nodded, making him unconsciously kick the chair which created a loud squeak, distrupting the people's focus. He internally cursed, embarrassment taking over fully. Supressing a laugh, Y/N quickly grabbed Atsumu's hand and ran silently to the exit. Atsumu was taken aback yet again by Y/N's action, his heart beating out of rythm. He looked down on the hand that was held by Y/N, smiling widely while running with her. Oh, to be in her grasp every single second.


rad: gonna stop here bcs I'M SO STRESSED W/ SCHOOL but anyway! https://open.spotify.com/track/1cKHdTo9u0ZymJdPGSh6nq?si=f564f733536448fd I love him sm cos his music makes me ✨feel✨ something lmao

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