6 - It's been that long?

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Y/N snaked her arm under Atsumu's, supporting his steps while holding his other arm rested on her shoulders. Atsumu stared at Y/N's side profile, his eyes sparkling with delight. He smiled lazily when Y/N stared back with a soft smile.

Gracefully, Y/N shoved Atsumu inside the taxi and told the driver the directions to her house. He was nearly out; He rested his head on Y/N's shoulder, an action that took her by surprise. She looked over to Atsumu and her mouth tugged into a smile. He was already out like a light.

The traffic was fine, faint car honking could be heard from the inside of the taxi. Little droplets of rain started to decorate the outer layer of the taxi. The streetlights and traffic lights became blurry through the windows. Atsumu was awake- or at least a quarter of him was.

He squinted and scanned the closest object to him. It was Y/N. The lights illuminated her face, enhancing her beauty. The shadows of water droplets looked like natural freckles on her face. He smiled at the sight, his heart beating out of rhythm before eventually falling asleep.


"Arrived at your destination." The monotone voice of the taxi's GPS broke the silence. Y/N looked over to Atsumu who was passed out completely. She tried poking, tickling, tapping and even shaking but they were all in vain. Atsumu had fallen into a deep sleep.

With all might, Y/N pulled Atsumu out of the Taxi, again supporting his weight on her body. Despite all the attempts of waking him up, she finally gave up. Unlocking her door, she was greeted with the silent and dark house, a little surprised that Hori had left.

Y/N pulled Atsumu's weight to her room, deciding to let him sleep in it. "Y/N?" Atsumu slurred, focusing on Y/N through his half-lidded eyes. He pulled away his weight from her and looked around, face still flush with drunkenness.

Suddenly, Atsumu started to fumble on his t-shirt, desperate to take it off. Realising the situation, Y/N's face flushed and she looked away while stuttering, "T-Tsumu! Stop-" She was cut off by the sound of a belt buckle loosening- she knew it was too late. She ran out of the room, unintentionally slamming the door.

Her hands cupped her now hot face, in utter disbelief that Atsumu was stripping, quite literally, in front of her. She sighed loudly, forced her weak legs to the kitchen, and served herself a glass of water to help her calm down. Sitting on the sofa then, she immersed herself in a book to get rid of the "nude Atsumu" thoughts.


A few hours had passed and Y/N was still enjoying herself with her book. She peeked away from the classic book, desperately trying to read the analogue clock. "One... Fifteen..." She mumbled. "ONE PAST FIFTEEN?!" She stood up panickily. Being an athlete with a bad sleeping schedule is a self-sabotaging activity, something that one must, with all might, avoid doing.

With tippy toes, she strode her way to her room. She knocked on the door gently and called for Atsumu, just to make sure whether he was awake or otherwise. "Tsumu?" No answer. Sucking in a deep breath, she slowly applied pressure on her door handle, eventually peeking her shy head inside the room, only to reveal an unconscious Atsumu, draped neatly and comfortably under the silky duvet. At this, Y/N exhaled gladly. Her eyes scanned the room and spotted the neat stack of her sleeping wear.

She slipped herself into the comfortable clothes but panickily left the room when Atsumu tossed and turned. She cursed to herself when she realised, she had left her dress in the room since she had meant to put it in the washing machine.

There was no use to agitate over the dress anymore, so Y/N decided to call it a night. Positioning herself on the soft cushion of the sofa, she slept almost immediately.


The birds chirped loudly, followed by the soft patter of rainwater. Yes, it was raining, but the scent of the earth was rewarding. There was another scent, a rather delicious one. French Toast, the scent that woke Atsumu up. His mind was still in a slight haze, confusion filling his head as he looked around, not recognising the place where he slept that night.

His confused face turned to horror when he looked under the duvet; he was nude. Completely nude. He got up and scrambled around the room, collecting his previous clothes, and got himself dressed. His panic increased when he saw Y/N's dress lying messily on the floor. His face began to flush red; he couldn't stop the possible scenarios playing in his head.

The sound of objects clattering made him flinch. He stopped his motion, enhancing his hearing over the other side of the door. A sweet melodic hum erupted from who he guessed to be Y/N.

He left the room hurriedly, making Y/N shriek at his sudden appearance.

"T-Tsumu? You scared me!"

"M sorry..." He looked away shyly the moment his eyes scanned Y/N's slightly exposed collarbone.

"I'm making French Toast. You can take a seat on the counter chair." Atsumu only hummed in response, his head still turned away. His action didn't come unnoticed by Y/N.

"Uh... 'Tsumu? You okay there?" She asked worriedly. Finally, Atsumu gathered his will to speak.

"D- Did we... You know..."

"Did we what? And no, I don't know."

At this, Atsumu sighed and forced himself to get to the point,

"Did we sleep together last night? As in... have s-sex?"

a/n (rad): SORRY FOR THE SLIGHTLY SHORT CHAPTER LOL, I just recovered from a nasty fever and horrible gastritis :( but woo 908 words!

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