Chapter 35

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 Chapter 35: bury him


    Su Su was just worried about her stomach.

Although she didn't eat in the morning,

she was not hungry at all.

      Susu bought the meat for the money,

so Mother Lin thought she was greedy and gave it less,

followed by two vegetarian dishes.

    She had eaten rabbit meat yesterday,

so she didn't want to eat it,

and this eldest sister ate so boldly that she felt that she couldn't stick her chopsticks out.

Although I don't want to act like a noble lady,

I really can't do the same thing as grabbing food from others.


    But he can't say about his eldest sister,

because he knows that their family's conditions are not good,

he must have come here without breakfast,

and he is really hungry after walking so far.

    "Is something wrong?"
Susu asked.

    "Are you finished, it's time for a toast."

    "It's over."
Putting down her chopsticks,

Su Su got off the kang, and walked out with Lin Chuan.

As soon as he walked outside,

he was stuffed with two small wine glasses and taken to the front yard.

    This toast must be toasted to the male guests first.


    "It's fine."

    "I didn't expect you to be able to drink."

    The book does not say that the male partner can drink so much.

    Lin. Desire to survive. Strong. Chuan Ma said:

"I'm a light drinker, this is a small cup."

    It is indeed a small cup, but if she drinks it,

she can get drunk three or four times.

    But people say that the amount of alcohol is light,

which is indeed a little smaller than the big bowl on the table.

    At this time, people who drink wine are very good at drinking,

they all use bowls, jars, or scoops, in short, they use less cups.

It's okay for now, I hope you don't get drunk or something.

    After all, it’s a wedding today, so it’s better to stay sane.

    Obviously, since she 'disliked' Lin Chuan to be able to drink,

he no longer accompanies a small cup,

but humbly said that he can only accompany him half a small cup, because A little drunk.


    It hurts a bit.

    The former comrade-in-arms immediately shut up,

he now fully understands that his friend was afraid of his wife.

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