Chapter 33

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 Chapter 33: Have a grudge?


    However, I always feel embarrassed to be hugged like this.

Later, the party secretary also joked:

"Can you hold it, or let it rest in the room first."

    Lin Chuan couldn't say it even if he couldn't at this time,

so he gritted his teeth and said,


Besides, Su Su was not heavy, holding a light one.


    "No, just lay it down."

    "I'm pretty heavy."

    "Not heavy at all, very light."

    Su Su's heart is surprisingly comfortable as if being helped by a feather.

If the straight man Lin Chuan doesn't add a sentence after her, she will be happy all day.

    "Much lighter than the sandbags in the army."

     Su Su  “…”  Sandbags..

I feel that sandbags are the most annoying thing at this time,
very annoying.

    I am a big living person and a good-looking woman,

how can I compare it with a sandbag?

    "It's ready,
Brother Chuanzi,
please put people down."

The heroine Qin Yueyue wiped the sweat that was not dripping from her forehead and said with a smile,

she used her body language very cleverly Showing that he really did his best for their marriage.

Moreover, she still peeks at Lin Chuan from time to time,
what does this mean?

    Su Su frowned, not understanding for a while.

She knew that the heroine must have no interest in Lin Chuan.

It was impossible for him to realize that she actually loved him because he was about to get married.

That would be pure bullshit.

    And if she is really careful,

she will definitely not let others find out,

but her expression clearly wants everyone to see it.

I couldn't say it before, but here comes the drama.

    This is fun!

    Susu didn't have any emotional experience,
so she didn't understand very well,

but when she stood on the ground and saw her secretly wiping her tears,

and then someone comforted her, she suddenly understood.

    How could she be forced to help, of course she stole Lin Chuan away.

    Then this matter must be spread all over the village,

and Lin Chuan is a fool who is very happy at first glance.

Taking all the performances together,

many people will regard them as private **** The dog is male and female and the heroine is the abandoned little poor boy.

    At that time, there will definitely be people chewing their tongues behind their backs.

    What kind of hatred,

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