Love between goddess

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Another day another rp *sigh* anyways here is another rp and next I'll post a request rp so keep your eyes out so here it is "Love between Goddess" Sonadow RP (this RP/AU is placed on Sonic The Murderer of Me but just some of the characters are there)

Another day another rp *sigh* anyways here is another rp and next I'll post a request rp so keep your eyes out so here it is "Love between Goddess" Sonadow RP (this RP/AU is placed on Sonic The Murderer of Me but just some of the characters are th...

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There is a secret place that no one knows about it's called Paradise Palace where all the gods and goddesses are and it's also a giant Palace. And the Creator's lived but they never to be seen only heard, one day they all decided to throw a ball for all the goddess, God's and angel's

It's a party for all of them to come together and see their friends after many years but a certain someone is joining the ball but they don't know who it is all they can see they look like them

And maybe a certain ebony goddess of death got strick by Cupid in other words i think he found the love of his life

If you want to be Shadow:

I sigh as i had my arms crossed as the others talked then we heard the door open and i blink in confusion 'who the hell are they?' Then i looked away not interested

If you want to be Sonic:

We entered the room as he smiled happily we never been out of the void for so long and now we are out glad Dad and Uncle's finally allowed us

Sonadow RP (Request Open)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant