Online lovers

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Another idea from LadyAnonoMiss don't forget to follow them and thanks again my friend and if you my friend and you guys want to RP this let me know in the comments

P.S:you can also put you OC's in this rp too

Sonic and shadow meet through an Online Rpg fantasy game and they become friends in the game so one day they decided to meet up with each other in real life, what will happened when they meet in real life?

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Sonic and shadow meet through an Online Rpg fantasy game and they become friends in the game so one day they decided to meet up with each other in real life, what will happened when they meet in real life?

If you want to be Shadow:

"Hey uh why don't we meet up at the park..?" Shadow asked as he was nervous

If you want to be Sonic:

"Oh sure why not" sonic said as he smiled happily and excited

Have fun guys

Sonadow RP (Request Open)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora