She knew the irony of the situation. 

"The Ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead." Hook said to those behind him. 

"You really think we're going to be able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma asked. 

"From there we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your son." 

"You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant." Regina complained. 

"Where?" Hook countered. "Have you any idea what's up here? Or anywhere? There's dangers all about, and the only people to guide us past them are Lily and myself." 

"He's right, Regina. They've lived here before and if they say hiking up is the best way, then we listen." Emma offered support, which Lily was grateful for, and was sure Hook was more than grateful.

What was sad, in a twisted way, was that Emma and Hook would work together. But the timing was awful, Neal had just died and Emma was nowhere near ready to process that. 

'Ugh, I'm going to miss you, Bealfire.' Lily thought to herself. 

She was lost in thought and nearly drowned out the sound of Charming's sword hacking at the leaves. She looked up to where he walked and nearly had a heart attack. 

"Wait, no!" She reached forward and grabbed his arm. 

He looked at her then back at the thorn bush. 

"I can handle a couple of thorns." David protested. 

"Not thorns, Charming— Dreamshade. Poison that will leave you dead. I'd suggest avoiding it at all costs, it's not pretty." 

"That plant is the source of the toxins I used on the Dark One." Interjected Hook. 

Emma perked up.

"The poison that almost killed Gold?" 

"Indeed. I used a concentrated form. A natural dose would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way." He gestured right. 

David glowered at him and began walking straight again. Everyone followed. Lily stayed next to Hook, rolling her eyes. 

"Your father's a distrustful fellow, Swan." Hook began to walk next to Emma. 

Lily walked behind them, bringing up the rear. 

"He's just not used to working with the bad guys." Emma said. 

"I assure you, on this island, I am not the bad guy." 

"Yeah well, Pan's not supposed to be one either." 

"What possibly gave you that idea?" Hook questioned, confused. 

Lily interjected. 

"I can assure you, Emma, that every story you heard as a child got it wrong. No one is a so-called 'good guy' on Neverland. And Pan, he's the most treacherous of them all." 

Hook began to question the stories Emma was referring to and Lily once again got lost in her own head. There was a time in her life where she could have never imagined calling Pan bad, let alone treacherous. Now, she couldn't think of anyone more fitting to the description. She wasn't sure how she felt about it, but it certainly didn't bring her joy to reflect on her past. So, she did what she normally did, shoved it aside in her mind, and caught the tail end of Hook and Emma's conversation.

"... If wax mustaches and perms are your thing." Emma commented, then walked forward without him.

Lily laughed, not bothering to mask enjoying the comeback. 

"I take it by your tone, perms are bad." 

Unfortunately, Lily only laughed harder.

"Up here!" Charming yelled. "We made it." 

They all approached the edge of the cliff. Once Lily made it, all she could see was the Dark Jungle. 

"Pan's lair should be just... right..." Hook trailed off. 

"Where? All I can see is jungle." Regina groaned. 

"Aye, Dark Jungle. It's certainly grown a bit since I've last been here." 

Everyone else rolled their eyes. 

"Hook may have led us astray but at least we're in a good position to start combing through the jungle." David jabbed. 

Lily sighed. 

"Charming, I say this with the utmost respect, but your attitude really isn't helping anything." She turned to Hook. "You still got your telescope?" 

"Aye." He pulled it from his back and handed it to her. 

Unrolling it, she peered through the eye hole and directed it to the usual camping spots. Looking at each of them, she reached the third one before making up her mind. 

"They used to be there." She pointed out in front of them all. "But with cargo as precious as Henry I would bet anything they moved camp before we arrived." She shrunk the telescope and handed it back to Hook. "He'll either be on the other side of the island or near the Echo Caves." 

"Great, let's go." Emma said. 

"Not so fast," Lily stopped them, "Either of those locations are over a day's walk. By the time we get there he could have moved camp again." 

"She's right, before we do anything we need rest. I suggest we make our own camp."
"You want to sleep while my son is out there suffering?" Said Regina. 

"If you want to live long enough to save the boy, yes." Hook said with finality and turned back from the ridge. 

Mary Margaret and David followed, Emma and Regina seemed to hesitate as they looked over the Dark Jungle. 

Lily made sure Hook was out of ear shot before she spoke to both of them. 

"Look, Pan likes games. He knows we're on the island, it's only a matter of time before he contacts one of us about Henry." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I know it's frustrating but we have to play by his rules or we may all die before we get to him."

(Has OUAT been off the air for years now? Yes, but apparently that doesn't stop me from obsessing over it. I hope you all enjoy the story and enjoy Lily as her life gets more complicated!)

Eye of the Tiger | Peter Pan x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon