ashpoint (me)

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1) Tell us a little about yourself

I am a nineteen-year-old girl who has just finished high school. I will soon be going to college to become a rad tech (technical radiologist), which will takes 2-3 years. I hope to always be working on at least one project, but I can't promise what my future schedule will allow.

My hobbies consist of writing, playing the piano, and learning PI digits. :)

2) How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad in 2019, so three years ago. I'm not sure how I found this app.

3) How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was ten. Consistently? Only since I was sixteen.

4) What genre do you write in? What's your favorite?

I love to write in a variety of genres. I have four published stories, which account for three different ones: mystery/thriller, horror, and general fiction/romance.

My least favorite genres are humor and chicklit.

5) What do you enjoy most about the writing process? The least?

I most enjoy when the story is coming together. In the beginning, I only know the mere basics about the plot and characters. Mid-way through is when I truly know the direction and who my characters are. It's at this point when I feel a sense of freedom. I can add the scenes I've been longing to write and create the heart of the story. When the end is near, I must tie it all together. It's a big responsibility but super rewarding to be able to say, "I finished!".

I least enjoy putting the pieces together. A story is like this big, open puzzle with a million different variants. The problem is I suck at puzzles! To web major scenes to each other? That is a rather daunting task.

6) Which of your books are you most proud of? Why?

This is a hard question. 'Surviving the Dead' was my first story on Wattpad. It's also the first novel I ever completed. This in itself is a big accomplishment. Despite so, it is full of plot inconsistencies, undeveloped characters, filler scenes, and frankly? An utter disaster. Yet, I'm still proud for at least finishing.

I'm most proud of 'Fixation', though. Unlike my previous stories, it's got a solid plot and characters. In the end, I believe it will be one of those stories that you'll want to read again. It'll come full circle and, needless to say, our sweet protagonist won't always be so... sweet.  

7) Which of your characters are you most proud of? Why?

I'm most proud of Ainsley from 'Fixation'. She's the protagonist's older sister. Despite always getting shut down by the younger, Ainsley's always watching out for her safety and loving her like a mother would. She tells her the hard truth. This is something I truly admire.

8) What project(s) are you working on right now?

I'm working on 'Fixation' at the moment. I plan to release two other books soon, though. They are titled 'Below the Surface' and 'Call Me Maisie'.

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

Yes, I have five unpublished stories. They are mere drafts and messy.

They are the following:

1) Below the Surface

2) Call Me Maisie

3) A Life Unlived

4) Just Last Summer

5) Tick Tock

I plan to publish them all eventually.

10) What are your strengths in writing? How can you improve?

I believe my strength is dialogue. In my opinion, it's realistic and, oftentimes, heavy. I think another strength of mine is dedication and not rushing things along. If I publish a story, I always try my best to showcase my current ability. It is a long but worthwhile process. ;)

I can improve with my descriptions. A paragraph alone can take me an hour. Really. I'd love to be able to write quality descriptions one day without taking so much time.

11) Do you have future milestones? Maybe publication, a certain readership, etc.

I'm just looking forward to finishing my current story. From there, I look forward to the day I publish my five drafted stories. It will most likely take many years.

12) Do you have any tips for other aspiring writers?

Yes. My tip is cliche but necessary. If you want to excel in writing, you must write despite the struggles of daily life. You can't get better if you don't practice your craft. If you get drained, though, by all means take a break. Just don't quit! :)

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