24. A One Way Ticket to Hell

Start from the beginning

She kind of wished that they could stay here, the place was beautiful. She sat on the edge of the boardwalk, her legs dangling in the water.

"You never said that you'd been looking for a kraken," Will said as he sat beside her.

"I have a strange fascination with creatures said to be fiction," she admitted.

"Sounds like a dangerous fascination."

She grimaced, "My life's no fun without danger."

After giving this a moment of thought, she added,

"And my life's full of twists and turns anyway, so why not add some danger?"

"Does falling for a pirate count for danger?"

"Your the one who fell for me, I thought," she raised an eyebrow.

"Anyone could fall for you," he pulled a stray hair behind her ear," your beautiful."

"Yes, but not the way you can."

She look his hand, setting it with his palm facing up in her lap.

"Your attraction to me is impossible to avoid because you were specifically made for me," she explained," Nature Queens can only fall in love with one specific person, and something we all have to worry about is finding them before they die. I'm sure Reepicheep left out that part."

"But how can you know?" Will asked, "How many dimensions are there out there?"

"Too many to count, but usually they come to us. It's funny how that works, but finding out one is actually easier then you'd think. Like my parents for example; my father came to Narnia when my mother was well over three thousand years-old. He came to Narnia by accident, but he was supposed to be there; not just because of a prophecy but because his soulmate was there. And I came here by accident seven years ago, but it turns out that perhaps I was supposed to."

He smiled, glancing down .

"So, as it turns out, your soulmate is a pirate," he said.

"My cousin's soulmate is a huntsmen."

He grimaced, and sighed.
"I don't your father allowing this," he admitted.

"It's not my father you need to worry about," she pointed out," my brother and cousins, well, you know how that goes."

"You said your brother's name is Titan, didn't you?"

"That's him. But then there's Ronan."


"He's my training partner, but he's also one of my best friends. He and Titan are pretty protective, but they know of the gravity that finding you holds for me."

"Do you think they're worried about you?" he asked.

"It depends how fast time moves here, it's different for every dimension. One day in Narnia could mean a thousand years for this dimension, and vice-versa."

"I bet that's fun to keep track of."

She rolled her eyes, fun wasn't the word for it.

"I just don't see how someone like you could fall for someone like me," he said.

"Why, cause I'm royalty?"

"Because your everything I'd ever dreamed for myself, but I knew I could never have. You're kind, faithful, beautiful; I just never thought..."

He trailed off, shaking his head. "Everything that's happened in my life, I always tell myself to look at the good, but I could never imagine something this good happening to me."

She smiled,

"There's a reason you were born, William," she told him," Can you guess."

"I was born for you."

He seemed to understand now, and the thought that she truly had found her soulmate, it made her smile.

"That," he said," I could live for that forever."

He touched his fingertips to the corner of her mouth, "That smile."

He pressed his lips to her forehead, and she leaned against his chest; her head tucked under his chin. A spark of mischief suddenly ignited, and she grinned again.

With one slight twitch, she'd flipped Will into the water. He came up, shaking out his dark curls. Kaylee laughed,

"It's never to late for that trick!" she told him.

"Oh, really?" he splashed at her, soaking her hair.

"I'll get you back for that one later," she promised.

She laid on her stomach, her chin resting on her arms at the edge of the boardwalk.

A firefly wondered over, settling on her ear. Will raised an eyebrow and swam over, his eyes curious as more balls of light drifted over.

He trailed his finger up to her ear, where a firefly lingered on his finger. Kaylee chuckled as he studied it in front of his face, it flitted away and he watched it go.

He looked back at her, his eyes following the fireflies around her. She reached a hand out, her fingertip grazing his cheek. His hair was softer than it looked, her hand glided through his curls as if they were silk. The impact of the water had knocked it from it's ponytail, now spiking up at the edge of his neck. She combed it back with her fingers, and he took her hand, examining the ring on her forefinger.

"It was my mothers," she told him.

"It's beautiful."

Yes, it was indeed. Pure silver with a deep blue gem, it reminded her of the ocean; it was why Winter had given it to her.

He placed his hand on the side of her face, and pulled his face in front of her's. He smelled like the sea; the waves and crisp air, it was all there.

He pressed his lips to her's, and she knew it was right. He was right. She'd never kissed anyone, but the probability of it feeling this good had seemed one out of five.

She saw his other hand move, bringing a wave of water in her hair. She shrieked as they broke apart, sending him crashing back down. Though he was caught in laughter.

"William!" she hissed.

"Come get me, Nature Queen," he tried.

"Oh, I will." And she dove in.

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