13. A Song in the Night

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"He's waking up!" Marien shouted as the ship headed back into the open waters.

"Shackle 'im to somethin'!" Pintel shouted," he could still be drunk!"

Kaylee watched with her eyes narrowed as Will approached the stirring James Norrington, she stood a little further back to avoid the smell of rum radiating off the former Commodore.

"James Norrington, do you know who I am?" Will asked.

"Do I...know...who," Norrington muttered.

"James," Will repeated.

"How do you know my name?" Norrington asked, some of the drunkenness leaving.

"I used to live in Port Royal," Will replied," You knew my mother, Larina Turner."

"Larina?" he sat up and gazed at Will," William?"

"Wait, he knows you?" Kaylee said.

"He was still Commodore when I left Port Royal," Will replied.

"So, is he gonna help us?" Ragetti asked.

"Help you with what?" Norrington asked, his grey eyes darting to Ragetti.

"You've been to Isla de Morte, and you know as well as I do that only those who have been there can find the island," Will told him.

Norrington's eyes narrowed on him,

"I was only on Isla de Morte because I was after him," he growled.

"Him?" Gibbs repeated.

"Him. He ruined my life and took the love of my life from me, I'm sure you know of him."

Kaylee raised an eyebrow as the others glanced at each other. "To whom are you referring?" she asked.

"Oh, don't you know? He's quite a famous pirate, Jack SPARROW!"

He suddenly leapt up and grabbed poor little Marty, tossing him aside.

"Oi! Come 'ere, you!" Pintel, Ragetti, and several others managed to grab the rampaging Norrington, who's eyes were lolling with drunkenness again.

"What do you want to do with him, Captain?" Ragetti asked.

"Throw him overboard! He's no use to us!" Marty shouted haughtily, massaging his arm.

"Man overboard! Man overboard!" the parrot that sat on crew-member Cotton's shoulder squawked.

"He's no use to us while he's drunk," Kaylee reminded them, coming to stand next to Will,

"Put him in the brig a night and speak with him tomorrow." He glanced at her and looked back to Norrington, nodding. Pintel and Ragetti looked disappointed.

"We can't find Isla de Morte without someone who's been there, Will, you know that," Marien hissed as Norrington was dragged off beneath the deck.

"If he doesn't talk, then we kill 'em and find another way," Jackson said.

"Oh, pirates," Kaylee muttered under her breath.

Will chuckled as a sudden shriek echoed around, and everyone groaned.


Talika's yowl was followed by a loud banging, and everyone looked toward her quarters. Kaylee slowly turned to look at Jackson, "You locked her in there?"

Jackson grimaced and Will pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Let her out," he said wearily.

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