The princess (pt. 5)

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Eddie's pov
The pain was sharp and I could feel the blood dripping down my body. In any normal circumstance I'd probably run but I knew he'd get to (Y/n) if I did. So when I saw he was distracted stabbing me I quickly hit him in the head with the butt of my sword, making him stumble back.

I quickly pulled out the knife and tossed it to the side with a pain filled groan. Jason quickly swung his blade at me. I blocked with my own and kicked him back. Every move I made was painful.

Jason quickly swung the blade again and I tried to block. The sword flew from my hand and I quickly dropped to the ground as he swung once again. I quickly rolled as he swung down and hit the gravel path we were on, making me yelp in pain as he nicked my arm.

I quickly kicked his leg with as much force as I had, making him fall beside me. I quickly disarmed him and stood. I held the blade to his neck pressing into it lightly, making him wince. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," I smirked down at him. "Guards!" I called. Steve and Gareth rushed over. "Chain him up in the dungeon. We'll think of a more harsh punishment at dinner." I stepped back as they helped him to his feet and cuffed his wrists.

I panted as sweat started to drip from my forehead. I shivered as the summer air suddenly turned cold, my surroundings becoming warped. No! No! I'm not gonna pass out. My legs then bucked as I turned to face the castle. I fell and the last thing I saw was (Y/n) running towards me.

Your pov
You panicked as you picked up Eddie's head. "No, no, no, don't close your eyes." You told him. His eyes were open but he wasn't talking. You placed your hand over his heart and it was beating, slow, but still beating. His eyes looked over your face. "Help me!" You cried out for anyone. Wayne ran over and so did Dustin. They picked him up and rushed him inside with you following close behind. He was brought to your chamber and he was placed on your shared bed.

Your doctor quickly rushed in as Wayne pulled Eddie's shirt off. "Is he going to be alright doctor?" You asked.

"I'm not sure your majesty, I'll try my best to help." He told you. You nodded and started to pace as the doctor did what he could to help him.

"Your majesty," Steve walked up to you. "Jason wishes to speak with you." He told you. Your fear for Eddie suddenly lessened and was replaced with pure hatred.

"Take me to him." You ordered him. He nodded and lead you to his cell, two stories below the ground. You walked through the disgusting and cold level as you reached him, hunched over as his arms were chained to the wall. His head looked up so he could look at you.

"Come to take me back?" He smirked.

"Open the cell," you told Steve, refusing to look away from the pathetic man.

"I'm sorry?" Steve questioned.

"Open. The. Cell. Door." You demanded through gritted teeth. Steve hesitated before pulling his keys from his pocket and unlocked the cell door. You pulled it open and marched over to the corner he sat in.

"You look-" you quickly smacked him with full force, snapping his head to the side. He slowly turned and looked up at you. "Ouch," you quickly gripped his collar and bent down so you were eye level with him.

"You listen to me you damn pig," you growled. "If he dies, I will have you executed do you understand me? If he lives maybe I'll make your life bearable." You told him.

"Yes, your majesty." He smirked.

"General," you called. Steve walked over.

"Yes?" He questioned lightly.

"Bring Hopper in and wipe that smirk of his face." You ordered. Jason's smirk quickly dropped.

"No, please I'll do anything, don't bring him here please I beg of you!" He panicked.

"Like I said before, I might make your life bearable." You pushed him back and you walked out of the dungeon and straight to your chambers.

Dustin saw you as you walked in and he pulled you back out of the room. "What's happening?" You questioned, your worry coming back.

"He's fine, the doctor is just stitching him up right now. He was lucky." Dustin smiled. You smiled and you hugged him tightly. You walked into the room once again with Dustin just as the doctor started packing his things.

"He'll be just fine, just keep him from moving too much." He told you. You nodded.

"Thank you," you smiled.

"Of course your majesty. I'll see you when the baby is due." He then started for the door.

"What did you say?" You looked at him. He turned to look at you.

"You don't know?" He set his bag down. You shook your head.

"I was speculating, but I never really believed I was." You looked down at your belly, which you had noticed a few nights ago had gotten slightly bigger. "I get nauseous when I smell certain foods. I've been having pains but I just kind of pushed it aside." You told him. He nodded.

"So I was right, I've been in this line of work for many years, I can see a soon to be mother when I see one." He smiled. You smiled back and looked over at Dustin and Wayne, large smiles on both of their faces. "Goodbye," the doctor waved before leaving.

"When are you going to tell Eddie?" Wayne asked.

"Soon," you looked over at the unconscious man beside you with a soft smile.

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