Head over heels

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You walked with your head low as you listened to your Walkman. You weren't one to be loud or outgoing and being the new kid definitely didn't help that. It was your senior year and it was March so it was almost over. You were then approached by a girl. By the uniform she wore you could tell she was a cheerleader. "Hi I'm Chrissy," she smiled.

"I'm (Y/n)," you replied with a soft smile.

"Are you new here?" She asked. You nodded. "Do you want to hang out with me and my group since our break just started?" She offered. You nodded and you followed her to the cafeteria and sat at a table filled with cheerleaders and basketball players. They all introduced themselves to you and you didn't really care enough to learn their names. You liked Chrissy however. She was the nicest out of the bunch.

"Hey," one of the cheerleaders whispered to you.

"Yeah?" You questioned.

"Just a heads up, steer clear of Eddie Munson. He's a total freak and I'm sure he'll try and suck you into his cult." She warned you.

"I'm sorry?" Your eyes widened.

"Don't freak her out," Chrissy scolded the girl. "Don't listen to her." She told you. You nodded and pretended to listen to the conversation the group was having. Your mind could only think about the name. Eddie Munson? Who is this guy? Is he actually as scary as they say he his?

When the bell for break ended you went to your classes Chrissy being in your 3rd period so you talked with her until you went to 4th period and you listened to the boring lecture.

Once the bell rang you quickly stood and turned on your music. Broken by Tears for Fears starting towards the end. You packed your things and threw your backpack over your shoulder. You walked out of your classroom as Head over Heels started playing you walked towards the cafeteria. The table of boring cheerleaders and basketball players was already filled.

To your surprise you ran into someone. You felt someone catch you and help you to your feet as you stumbled slightly. "Oh my god I'm sorry, are you okay?" A soft but worried voice asked you.

You looked up to see a guy who immediately made your heart beat frantically. He had wavy hair that went slightly below his shoulders and brown eyes. The jean vest decorated with pins and patches as it sat on top a leather jacket. The smell of woods, cheap cologne, and cigarettes filled your nose and you couldn't decide if you liked it or not. You looked up into his pretty eyes.

Something happens and I'm head over heels. I never find out till I'm head over heels.

You blinked a few times to break the trance his eyes had you in, quickly realizing you still haven't answered his question.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." You apologized.

"I wasn't paying attention either so please don't be sorry." He told you. "I'll be sure not to sue you for any long term injuries." He joked, making you laugh lightly which made him smile. "You got a name?" He asked.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n)," you pulled your headphones down so they hung around your neck.

"Hmm, you're new here huh?" He questioned. You nodded. "I knew it, I feel like I'd remember your pretty face if I'd seen it before." He smiled. You smiled bashfully as you played with the wire that connected your headphones to your Walkman. You pushed pause and you looked up at him, gaining some confidence.

"You got a name?" You asked.

"Eddie Munson," he crossed his arms as he looked down at you. Your eyes slightly widened and they flickered over to the table you should've been a while ago. Eddie followed your eyes and nodded as he realized. He turned to you and sighed. "They mentioned me to you I'm guessing." An almost hurt look on his face as he played with the chain around his wrist. You nodded. "What did they say?" He asked.

"I don't wanna say," you replied.

"They say things to my face, I can take it." He reassured you.

"That you were a freak and that you'd try to make me join your cult." You told him, you couldn't help but feel bad. How was he the same person. There was no way. He was sweet and funny and seemed harmless.

"The usual I see," he sighed. "Do you believe them?" He asked.

"No, you seem sweet, the cult thing has me a little concerned," you smiled lightly. He snickered and nodded.

"It's not a cult. I have a club called Hellfire and we play D&D." He explained.

"I used to play back when I lived in New York. You looking for a new member?" You asked.

"We're currently full right now," he winced. Your smile faded but his only grew. "But, I think I can squeeze you in." He smirked.

"Really?" You smiled. He nodded.

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" He asked. You nodded and followed him to his table. You got to know the fun group and you already felt at home.

"What were you listening too?" Eddie asked as he pointed to your Walkman. You pulled the headphones from around your neck and placed them on his head. You then clicked play. He smiled as he looked at you. "Head over Heels huh?" He started to move his fingers as if he was playing guitar.

"What are you doing?" You giggled.

"He's learning the song." Gareth told you. "He plays guitar in our band. He sings too." He added with a smile. You looked back at Eddie.

"He doesn't do that often by the way," Dustin told you. You looked at him. "Especially with music like that, he likes metal so it's very rare he'll learn a song like that." He told you.

"Well how could I not learn it? It's a beautiful song," Eddie told him.

"I'm sorry did you say the song or the girl?" Jeff teased.

"You know what, both." Eddie smirked at you.

"Eddie, I can't help but feel like you have a little crush on me," you smirked back.

"I'm head over heels for you," he winked, making you chuckle. "You can't deny you don't feel the same, I noticed when you just starred at me after we ran into each other. You looked like you'd seen the best thing in your life." He teased.

"That's cause I did," you nudged him playfully.

"I'm taking you out after school and you can't say no," he put his arm around you.

"I wasn't going to," you leaned into his touch with a smile.

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