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Mari's pov

I woke up to see myself lying on the floor with someone else but I payed no concern for the person I then checked to see if my miraculous was there and to my greatest hope it was still there but my bag was not which held tikki inside

Me: this can not be happening what am i going to do tikki is here I have no way of communicating with this sucks
???: *Groans* where am I
Me: well we are in a dungeon and there is no way of communication
???: Who are you
Me: sorry can't tell without knowing you stranger
???: I am robin
Me: well robin do you have a way out of here
???: That won't be necessary Guardian
Robin: Mother what do you want
Talia: oh son that no way to speak to your mother
Me: hey you are that lady that-
Talia: why yes I am and is it ready
Me: yep but why kidnap me
Talia: why do unite the order of the temple and the league of shadow of course and you two are going to help
Robin: I walked away from this life mother you can't forces
Talia: you have to otherwise the girl dies now then time to get ready *snaps fingers* you two take the girl oh and don't worry about your stuff

With that two figures came in and grabbed me by my arms and pulled me into a dressing room

Monk1: we are sorry Guardian it was the only way
Me: what way what's going
Monk2: the shadows and the order have been at war with the shadows wanting to use the miraculous for their selfish desire while we try to protect them but at the cost of our lives
Me: for how long has this been going
Monk2: 200 years guardian
Me: I see but what of the celestial Guardian
Monk1: how do you know
Me: I met them
Monk2: well I am sorry to destroy the hope you have because even  if the Celestial Guardian can come before the ceremony it won't work and it would cost us
Me: I see then I will do it but you will have to explain to the Celestial Guardian or they will be angry
Monk1: of course
Stylist: here you go
Me: thank you *put on dress*

Monk1: let us go now

We then left the room and arrived in another room with a monk standing behind a green pool of water
Me: it seems we are early

Damien's pov

After the girl had left I was left alone with mother
Me: why do this mother
Talia: so as to end bloodshed beloved now wear this
Me: ~tt~
Talia: now beloved with that attitude the girl will be killed now hurry up
I then took the outfit and wore it

We then walked to where the pits are located to see the girls standing with the monks
Talia: now since both parties have arrived we shall now commence the weeding ceremony
Monk: *guardian language* * for 200 yrs the shadows and the order have been at war with each other but it all ends with the Union between the demon head and the the guardian of the miraculous now will you Marinette Dupain-cheng take the demon head to be your lawful husband
Mari: I do
Monk: *Arabic* *now so you Damien Wayne take ..... to be your wife
Me: I do
Monk: now then I pronounce you husband and wife
Talia: now bring out your hands
We then brought our hands and mother than made a cut in our hands
Talia: now drink up
I then drank from the chalice which contains the Lazarus pits and the familiar burning happened in my throat once I was done
Monk: it is done now they are forever bound for eternity
Talia: now then-
Gaurd: Mistress someone has entered the HQ what should we do
Talia: capture the intruder and bring them here
Guard: yes mistress

Tsunami's pov
After making sure the bats aren't following me I made to clones which henged into Mari and I
Me: both of return to the hotel and act  normal alright
Clone!Mari: what are you going to do
Me: I am going to Mari's and take the horse miraculous and teleporte to where Mari is now go

With that I shunshin into Mari's room
Me: *whisper* wayzz come out
Wayzz: what is it Celestial
Me: I need the horse miraculous marinette has been kidnapped
Wayzz: by who
Me: I don't know but I do know the location I just need to be there
Wayzz: where is the location
Me: Tibet
Wayzz: kaalki come out
Kaalki: what is it wayzz
Wayzz: ladybug has been captured and the celestial Guardian has to be there
Kaalki: well then let us go then all you need is to say kaalki full gallop to transform and to detransforme is kaalki dismount got it
Me: got now kaalki full gallop vougage

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