Chapter eight

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A/N TW: SA (Sexual Assault).

The Marauders wanted to finish learning about Patronus's as soon as possible, they have so nearly finished the animagus potion, they were just waiting for the lightning storm

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The Marauders wanted to finish learning about Patronus's as soon as possible, they have so nearly finished the animagus potion, they were just waiting for the lightning storm.

With the overload of school work they got in the first couple of months as the Professors were preparing them for the OWLs.

The fifth year Gryffindor's were currently in the boys dorm trying to produce a patronus.

"Expecto Patronum!" Said Alek, after her third attempt a unicorn erupted from her wand making her very happy, she was the first one to produce one.

"You did it Sandy!" James cheered and he gave her a hug, he then was able to produce a patronus which was a stag.

"Are you sure it's a stag? It looks like a reindeer or Bambi." Said Alek laughing, over the holidays her and Lily watched the Disney movie Bambi and Lily's house. Lily laughed with Alek as she understood what she meant.

"It's a stag! At least I don't have a cone in the centre of my head!" James retorted, Alek stuck her tongue at him and James did the same thing back and the two laughed it off.

Lily was then able to get hers which was a doe.

"Awww! Matching set!" Said Alek when Lily's doe stood next to James's stag, Lily glared at Alek whilst James smirked.

Soon enough all the fifth year Gryffindor's got their patronus's, the Marauders were excited.


A month later a lightning storm arrived. The Marauders crept out under James's invisibility cloak and went to get their potions. Remus watched carefully as he saw Alek take hers first.

Alek immediately started gagging and fell to her knees.

"Alek!" Said Sirius worriedly.

"I forgot to mention that it's going to be painful, you should've gotten an image in your head?" Said Remus.

"Yeah no shit! It's painful!" Said Alek but she did get an image of a Unicorn.

"Great! Now imagine yourself as the animal." Said Remus. So Alek did just that and she started growing. Now In front of the four boys stood a gleaming white unicorn.

 Now In front of the four boys stood a gleaming white unicorn

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