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A boy named Keith had recently moved in his parent's house in Brighton, England

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A boy named Keith had recently moved in his parent's house in Brighton, England. The house was run down to say the least. Broken tiles, wobbly roof, wall cracks, and even the paint is old. Obviously the house hasn't been habited since his parents moved out. Now his parents... His parents died in a fire engulfing their home which sadly, also took his parents along with it. He moved into an apartment and got a part time job as a cashier in different convenience stores. He moved out and now he bought back his parent's home. Keith entered the house to be met with a face full if dust.
"Woah this place hasn't been used in years!" He exclaimed as he dusted his face. One unique thing about Keith was that he is a vintage and antique fan. He loved old things from the past generations and researched about the history often. His friends having parents that work in that field certainly helped. The place has a lot of paintings, vases, rugs, you name it. He amounted the cost to fix the house and realized he didn't have enough money yet.

Keith went upstairs to check the bedroom and bathroom. The bathroom was full of mold, dirt and dust. With a few questionable things. He decided to deal with that later and headed to the bedroom.

Seems like the bedroom is the only decent place in this house.

The bedroom was filled with books, magazines, pens, whatever! The place seemed well dusted compared to the rest of the house which he certainly didn't take favor in. He sat on the bed and glanced at the table near the bookshelves. Their he found a picture frame of his mom and dad when they were his age.

They look happy at least..

Remembering his parent's death, Keith noticed a few tears forming in his eyes. He quickly wiped them and headed over to the bookshelves looking for any interesting reads. He found one book in particular.

It was his mother's diary.

Keith not knowing what to do, grabbed the book and looked at it, contemplating wether to read it or no. The diary was a lavender color, designed with lavenders on the cover. Lavenders were his mom's favorite it wasn't a surprise. He finally decided to open it, his hands shaking from not knowing what to expect. His mother was a deep and unexpected woman, whatever you see in her, it's bound to change the next day you meet.

Dear Keith,

If your reading this then-

"WAIT WHAT?!-" Keith screamed. His mother wrote her diary, DIRECTED TO HIM. He doesn't know if she planned his name but still they never knew if would be a girl or boy. Shaking off the uneasy feeling, he continued to read.
Dear Keith,

If your reading this then you must've moved into our old house. Time flies fast doesn't it? now i don't want to keep you waiting, your a curious and excited boy aren't you? Head over to the lavender field outside of town. Meet me there.

"Meet who?!" His mom for some reason, left a note for him in her diary, and it was as if she knew what was going to happen! Keith took a moment to breath, and calm down. Maybe a chance to meet his mother again? What about his father? Was it a man pretending to be his mother, luring him to a place so he could kidnap him? Thoughts were running in his mind per second but once he regained his self once more, he set off.
Keith entered his car and started the engine. He brought the diary with him hoping to get some questions answered. No, some is an understatement, Keith had A LOT of questions. He drove to the lavender field outside of town. The scenery was amazing and peaceful, the flowers were beautiful too. Keith now knew why his mom loved lavenders. He stepped in carefully, hoping not to damage the flowers. Once he got into the middle, their he saw his mother. His very own mother. Standing right before his eyes. Tears swelled up in them and ran to hug his mother which he hasn't seen in over a year. He asked how she was alive, and when he heard why and how, he was beyond in disbelief.
" When i was your age, i had a dream. I was gonna die in a fire along with Mark, your father. You would be left alone, so i tried my best to twist fate to a different direction. I had wrote that diary in hopes to see you once more and now... I finally did. Sadly your father couldn't escape, and died. But i had prepared, I knew you were going to survive so i left the house right after it caught on fire. I ran and ran and until i couldn't make it. Eventually the police found out about the fire and declared me as dead, along with your father. Keith, I am so sorry i couldn't save your father Keith... but i hope you would give me a chance to be in your life once more..."
Keith, who was now crying his eyes out, froze in place. His mother predicted all this? But how? he didn't have time for questions as his mother embraced him into her arms, just like the old days.

"I love you my little lavender"

Miracles happen, not as rare as you think, it comes in different ways. Some magical, some simple. Who knows? Maybe one day... A little diary might appear in your shelf

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