Puppet Strings

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Butters and Kenny both stared at their nails, and at each others. Shy smiles spread across their faces as their cheeks turned pink. Butters brought his hand closer to admire the pretty blue polish across his fingernails, and the pink on his pinkie that matched Kenny's nails, who had the blue polish on his own pinkie.

"They look very nice on you hun" Bebe hummed. "Don't let anyone make you think otherwise".

Butters nodded. "Thanks guys. It's just hard sometimes".

Kenny placed his hands on Butters shoulders, being careful so as not to smudge off any of the color off his nails. "Listen squirt, forget what you're parents have told you. You were not born to be who they want you to be. Screw that cookie cutter bullshit parents try to push on their kids. You were born to be who you want to be. No one else gets to decide that. Only you. I went years keeping myself in a frikin box so that I wouldn't anger my parents, but as soon as I came out of it, it was the best thing to ever happen to me. They don't approve of everything I do. But that's on them. Not me, and certainly not you. If they don't accept you, that's their problem".

Butters teared up again. But this time the tears were from joy. One of those tears escaped him as he smiled and pulled Kenny in for a hug. "Thank you Kenny. I really needed to hear that".

"Um, y-yeah, of course dude" Kenny said trying to ignore how warm and fuzzy his chest felt.

Bebe joined in on the hug, squishing Butters in between them. "We love you Buttercup," she cooed.

"I love you guys too. I seriously don't know what I'd do without you".

"Hey man, me too" Kenny admitted. "You're really one of the best friends I've ever had. I mean, Kyle, Stan, and Eric, they've been my friends since we were in diapers but...No one else really understands me like you guys do. And Buttercup, you're the reason why I was able to come out of my shell. I'm so much more like myself because of you".

"Really?" The small blonde asked. "You really mean it Ken?"

Kenny nodded. "Do you remember when you were assigned to be my tutor and we started spending more time together? You said something during one of those lessons that's stuck with me ever since. You said that the only people who matter in your life are the ones who don't mind who you truly are. And that the ones who do mind, don't matter". He pulled away from the hug, just enough to meet eyes with him, and placed a hand over his cheek. "You always do everything you can to make others feel like they belong. You should treat yourself with that same kindness".

Butters sniffled and placed his hand over Kenny's. "I'll try" he whispered.

"Good" Kenny said with a smile. "It's only fair to yourself". He then leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Butters nose before pulling away. And butters had to look away to hide his now rosy cheeks. "Alright," Kenny sighed as he stood up. "I better go take Mooshie outside quick so he doesn't pee on Bebebs carpet".

"Again" Bebe said annoyed.

Kenny scooped up the possum in his arms. "Hey, that just means he likes you".

"Mm-hm" She hummed in a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe I'll let him pee on your bed instead".

"No! Kenny, I will eat your face off!"

He laughed as he left the room and hurried down the stairs.

Our True Colors || South Park Bunny FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz