What if it never gets better? What if he goes the rest of his life without even breathing the same air as his parents and he still hates himself? What if the strings never let him go?

As he cried in the shower, he found himself dragging his nails across his arms, desperately wanting the same feeling of his old blade. Ironically enough, he found himself missing the pain, even though he never wanted pain from his parents ever again. It didn't matter though. They were still hurting him.

He was able to keep his cries quiet enough. Even so, Bebe noticed how red his eyes looked when he emerged into the bedroom after getting dressed. And Kenny could easily see how drained he was.

"You okay?" Kenny asked him.

Without looking up from the floor, he nodded. "I'm fine" he mumbled. "Just tired".

Bebe sighed and sat down on the floor next to her nail polish kit. She brought her arms up to him. "Come here" she whispered. Slowly, he stepped towards her and sat in her lap facing the same direction. She rested her chin on his shoulder, not caring that his hair was still damp. She dug through her box of nail polish until she found a nice baby blue. The best color on Butters, in her opinion.
She unscrewed the cap and held her hand out for Butters. But his arms remained tightly snugged against his waist as he hugged himself.

"What's wrong, babe?" Bebe asked him. "You were so excited earlier to have your nails done".

Butters let out a long sigh. "I know...It's just..." he trailed off unable to finish his sentence.

Kenny chewed at his bottom lip as he traced over Butters expression, trying to find answers in those lost eyes of his.

"Sometimes-" Butters continued. His eyes still hadn't left the fluffy white carpet. "Sometimes I just feel like...I shouldn't".

"Shouldn't what?" Kenny asked.

Butters shrugged, even though he knew the answer. There were multiple answers in fact. He shouldn't do this. Shouldn't do that. It all boiled down to the fact that he shouldn't do what makes him happy. The very dumb idea had been hammered down on him since he was just a kid. And while he truly believed that everyone else should be able to wear what they want, do what they want, love who they want, he still found it difficult to allow himself that same sense of freedom. He looked at the nail polish and all he could think of was the angry looks of his Father, the lost stare of his Mother, the yelling, the hitting, the fighting.

It was dumb to be so upset over nail polish. And yet here he was about to cry all over again. He tried to blink away the tears that were making his vision blurry.

Then Kenny walked over and had a seat in front of him. He grabbed a bottle of pink nail polish. "I'll do mine if you do yourrss" he sang.

Butters, though still hesitant, gave a small smile. He watched as Kenny unscrewed the cap and pulled out the wet brush. His freckled friend then leaned in real close to his hand, applying the color as carefully as possible. "You're not gonna leave me hanging are ya?" Kenny said with a smirk.

Finally, Butters gave in. He layed his hand in Bebes, allowing her to do her thing. He kept his eyes on the pink polish being spread across each of his friends fingernails.

"Ooh, wait!" Bebe stopped Kenny before he reached his last pinkie. "I've got an idea. Here," she handed him the blue polish. "Use that, and I'll take this," she took the pink polish and used it to paint Butters pinkie. "Now you guys match!" She cheered.

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