Seprate hotel...failed

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When we pulled up to the Hotel in Branson,Missouri Daylan parked right in front of the hotel "Cabin Community Club".

"Just wait for my by the front desk. I'm gonna go park."

At first I was going to, but I didn't want to after thinking about it.

I was cheated on once by leaving for just a few minutes once, I wasn't gonna let it happen again.

"Nah, I'd rather walk in holding my boyfriend's hand." I said smiling at him.

He moved his right hand and put my left hand in it.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm not the same-"

"I just wanna be with you. Arrest me if it's wrong." I didn't want to bring up the past, so I gave him a.. Stern warning to hush by saying what I did.

He nodded and smiled at me.

"Well, okay then." He put the car in drive and found a parking space near by.

"Alright, I'll grab my bags." He said.

You see, I though he said "I'll grab OUR bags" but I was obviously mistaken because I said;
"No! I'm not letting you carry ALL of my bags. There way too heavy." I was trying to be nice. Until he said,"I didn't say I was gonna grab YOUR bags too. Just mine. You got hands." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

Glad to know we were back to picking on each other so quickly.

"Your a jerk." I said. I put the box Daylan gave me into his hands.

Even HE knows how easily I would have lost that thing if I carried it up to the room.

So we carried out luggage, him carrying his stuff and me carrying mine.

"Reservation for Brace." Daylan said as we approached the front desk.

"Ah! Right here! Mr. Daylan Brace, am I correct?" She had a very light and high pitched voice.

It was VERY annoying.

"Yes,Ma'am." Daylan leaned down and whispered in my ear,"Good to know she can read."

Me and him both snickered and she looked at us.

Oops, caught us.

"Mr. And Mrs.-"

"Ms.- Not married." I said sternly.

"Oh, well Mr.Brace and Ms.-?"

"Doesn't madder. Show us the room please."

"Oh! Right this way!" Her smile and annoying voice was back.


"Here you are. Would you be interested in tipping-" I shut the door before she could finish that.

Daylan gave me a glare and opened the door.

"I'm sorry. Ms,Bay has been in a car all night and I'm sure she's just tired." He handed her a 20$ bill and came back into the room.

I plopped my self into the bed. The covers where supper soft and the pillows were nice and fluffy and-

Wait. There's only one bed.

"Ummm. Daylan?" He looked at me as I leaned up from the bed.

How did I ask 'WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE BED' without being completely and utterly rude?

"Oh, uh- I hope you don't mind. If you do I can get a different room and-"

"No it's fine... I just.." I stopped to think for a second. "It's fine. Really."

He smiled and stood there looking around the room awkwardly.

Hopefully it wouldn't be like this the whole time.

"Well, when do you wanna head down there?" I said breaking the silence.

"As soon as possible." And with that he went into the bathroom and I heard the shower start running.

Since he was in the shower, I thought it would be safe to change into my bathing suit my the bed.

It took me about 6 minutes to change into my bathing suit.

I had to fumble around with it because it was a complicated two piece that was spun around and folded difficultly.

By the time I was done I was out of breath sitting on the best, when I heard the bathroom door open.

I stood really fast completely forgetting I was in my bathing suit.

"Hey ready to-" his jaw dropped and he stared at me, dropping his shirt and shorts on the floor, leaving only his swimming trunks to cover him.

"What are you-" I looked down and noticed my entire stomach was showing and I looked like I was standing in my bra and Undies.

"Oh! No no! It's a bathing suit!" I said trying to make it better. My face turned red and y cheeks began to burn. His face began to turn red too.

"I... Uh... I... Wow... Ummm...." He was trying to decide if he should go back into the bathroom or not.

I quickly ran to my bag and grabbed my bathing suit cover dress. I slipped it on really fast.

I grabbed my tennis shoes and slipped them on quickly and then practically ran for the door.

"K. Ready. Let's go." I was in a rush to get away from his gaze.

I mean, I should be flattered but I didn't like being stared at like a piece of meat, especially when we just got together.

I opened the door and was about to say something when Daylan caught my arm and pulled me back.

"What? Did I forget something-"
He pushed his lips up to mine and pulled back.

"Yeah." I had my eyes closed. I didn't want to see what his reaction was to MY reaction of the kiss.

"I did?" I looked down and make sure I had on shoes, I put sun screen on and I'm pretty sure I took all of my jewelry off-

"Your not wearing your ring." I looked at him eyes, which were now close.

He was awful at hiding the hurt he felt.

"Yeah... I uh, didn't want to loose it. It means too much to me and I don't know what I would do if I lost it at SDC." I hoped and mentally prayed that the excuse had worked. I couldn't look him in the eyes as I was telling him that.

As I ended the conversation, he opened his eyes and smiled.

Well, guess it worked.

"Awe, baby. I'm glad that your taking appreciation about the ring. I saved my money for 3 hole months just to buy it. I had to move in with my mother and-"

I gave him an "OMG" look

"Anyway, let's get going." He basically pulled me out of the hotel.

Now look who's embarrassed.


The wait for the line just to get on a bus to go to ANOTHER line and get your tickets was awfully long. For the beginning of May, it was pretty busy.

There were a lot of school busses that were lined up, all different schools.

Me and Daylan stood hand in hand as we made small talk. Eventually the conversation we were having came to a point where I didn't know how to respond.

"Yeah... I don't know if I should continue the conversation or not." We both began laughing.

He stared into the sky, making his gorgeous blue eyes glisten.

"We need to get to know each other more."

How dare he say that. He knew so much about me and I knew a lot about him.

"Okay... Wanna play 20 questions game or would you rather?" These where my favorite games of all times. Anyone wanted to learn about me, I always suggested these games.


"Both." He said smiling. He pulled me closer to him next to the rail that kept the line some what neat.

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