Home again

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I was slowly waking up when I realized I had been holding onto Jake really tight and I had been crying. He must of had the same dream or an even worse one because when I woke up he was looking at me in the eyes. I had my head laying on his warm shirt on his chest. He began rubbing my arm and my head telling me "it's okay".

"I should probably get you home." He said. I looked at the clock on Dylan's night stand; it read 1:23AM.

"Oh crap. I'm gonna die." I said. I got up and through on one of Dylan's jackets and my shoes.

"That's his favorite jacket Abby! Just use this one." He through me his thick jacket. He knew that it was too big for me but I went ahead and put his on.

"Thanks but hurry." I said. Me and Jake snuck out Dylan's window and got into Jake's car.

"Ma lady." He opened my door.
I smiled and got in quickly.

"Can I stay the night at your house?" He asked me.
I couldn't believe he was asking me this.

"Your mother is going to kill you. But yes you can." I said smiling.

The car ride to my house was silent and short. As the car rolled into the parking lot at my house, I was the first to speak.

"Go into the back yard. I don't want my parents seeing what they did to my head."

Jake knew what I meant about that. All my parents did was fight, beat, then cry and scream how terrible they are to me, then the process would repeat. It never failed.

"Still throw pitty partys for you huh?" He said. He began to back the car up, but a loud thud hit the back of the car and the car came to a jerkish stop.

I looked at Jake horrified by what ever we had just hit.

What if it was my dad?

Or my step mom?

Me and Jake would be caught an charged for murder.

Neither of us moved. We just stared straight ahead and didn't move a muscle.
"If I were you, next time i wouldn't be so loud as i pulled up." My dads voice came up to my window. He had come out of nowhere.

I jumped from being scared and looked at him rolling down my window.

Time to become the snotty teenager again.

"What do you want, you freak?" I asked. He started between me and Jake, then looked out Jakes window and smiled.

It was not a happy smile. It was one of his evil and mean smiles he gave me when he was drunk and wanted to fight.

"Abby, look." I turned my head and saw my step mom lying on a tree with her eyes closed and her mouth hung open a little.

"What the-" I was about to jump out of the car from Jake's side but I couldn't manage to escape. My dads hands flew through the open window and grabbed a hold of my hair.

He pulled me back roughly and made me hit my head where I had before.

He began to part my hair where it had been cut open. I felt his heavy breathing on my head and it scared me. I closed my eyes and Jake grabbed my hand.


"I'm just looking. When did that happen?" He was calm now. His hands slowly brushed over my head gently.

"I must have fallen and-"

"Be honest." He tried to find my eyes but I would look him straight.

"It happened at my house. My friend Daylan was over and he got a little mad. He tried to through something at me, but Abby took the hit for me." Jake spoke with his mouth tightly closed and he was holding onto my hand really tight.

My dad eased the grip on my head and I pushed myself into Jake.
My dad rested his elbows on the window and let his hands hang. He pushed his head forward and began to shake his head.

After a while of silence, my dad leaned his head upwards.

He whipped off his face (as if there were actually tears) and opened the passanger door. I scooted closer to the drivers door, so did Jake.

"Wait." My dad spoke. "I need your car Jake. And I need you to take Abby away from here. Don't tell anyone she was here." He wasn't looking at me or Jake, he was looking at the floor board.

Jake passed the keys over to my dad and laid them in his lap.

"There. But if you leave, you never come back." Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the truck. He looked over to where my step mom was hanging."You sick coward."

Jake removed his hand from mine and pushed me toward my house.

"Hey watch it-"

"Go. Now. Get your crap. I know exactly where to take you."


Hey!! I just wanted to tell you- that copyright is bad. In case you didn't know- so don't copy any of my story. It is punishable by law and I don't appreciate it. :) other words thanks for reading.

NEXT:It's not always gonna be so dark and crap- the relationship part is beginning next chapter! You get to meet Daylan, Abby's 7th grade crush and 7th grade boyfriend. ❤️😂 enjoy guys!

Whatever ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ