Chapter 7: Staying on Schedule

Start from the beginning

Johnny suddenly perked up, and shook (Y/n) by the shoulders. She turned her attention to her brother, and watched him dig into their backpacks and pull out two scooters. (Y/n)'s face lit up and she nodded, taking her scooter.

(Y/n) and Johnny rode by on their scooters and everyone perked up and watched them both with awe, as they spun and did tricks. They even let some of the other monsters try.

Murray sat on Johnny's scooter and used his legs to propel him forward.

Wayne's wolf pups piled into (Y/n)'s scooter and cruised around.

Maven came down the bleachers and approached (Y/n). He curiously inspected her scooter, and she held a hand out for him. He took it, and she pulled him towards her to stand behind her on the scooter.

Maven wrapped his arms around her waist as the two used their legs to propel them forward. They scooted around on the floor, and laughed at how much fun they were having and Maven's arms tightened around the girl and he rested his chin on top of her head.

Big foot had a go on Johnny's scooter, but as soon as he stepped into the scooter, it rolled out from under him and he fell and crashed through a wall.

Johnny's scooter rolled over to the monster lady from the Bingo game, and she ate it.

"I didn't do that."


Everyone was now relaxing in the pool. Some of them were doing water aerobics which were being taught by the fly monster.

"And pull it back. And up. And push. And twist and back. And up. And twist. And push." He instructed while doing the movements.

He then spit up into his hands again, and everyone did the same.

"No, don't copy that." He sighed, before resuming.

Maven, (Y/n) and Johnny were sitting at a round table with Eunice, Murray, Wayne and Wanda. Mavis was wearing black swim trunks and a red and black striped tank top, (Y/n) was wearing a black one piece bathing suit, and Johnny had on a yellow and black striped shirt and matching trunks.

The two siblings were telling them about their travels, while Maven leaned his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands as he watched (Y/n) talk with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"Wow, you two have been to the Taj Mahal?" Eunice have them an impressed look.

"Come on, no monsters been to the Taj." Murray said in disbelief.

"Man, I wish I could go there. How did you deal with the mobs?" Maven asked worriedly.

He placed a hand over (Y/n)'s, worried that the 'mobs' might have hurt her.

"Yeah, it does get pretty crazy during the summer." (Y/n) shrugged. "But you just gotta roll with it, I guess."

"They just roll. That's cool that they roll." Wayne said.

"Yes, yes. It's cool." Dracula interrupted.

He held out something towards Maven. "Look Mavey, I brought you a bagel with your favorite, scream cheese."

Literally, the spread on his bagel began to scream.

"Holy rabies! Thanks Dad." Maven leaned closer to (Y/n). "(Y/n) try some scream cheese, it's awesome."

"Oh wow, I...would love too! But...I'm uh...scream cheese intolerant. So..." she smiled awkwardly and pushed the bagel back towards Maven.

"Yes, of course you are." Dracula grabbed Johnny and (Y/n) by the shoulders and dragged them away. "Can I party plan talk with you two for a minute?"

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