"That... was so... tiring..." Sweetie Belle panted, gasping for air as if she hadn't taken a single breathe throughout the day. She is also sweating all over her body, and her face even gone slightly blue. She is barely keeping herself from passing out.

"How I did that... I don't know..."

"Just rest, we may need you very soon," The Green Leader responded as he looks at Granny Smith. He gently puts his right hand on Granny Smith's head.

"What are you doing?" Apple Bloom lightly asked, taken by surprise at how much of this just happened within the space of just a few seconds.

"Her injuries are able to be healed with my powers," The Green Leader replied.
The Violet Leader notices all the Demon Steves began glowing yellow. After the glow on them worn off, the demons then began to chase faster, and even began catching up with the cart. The Violet Leader summons a few lightning strikes before switching to his longbow, waiting for his lightning abilities to charge up again.

"Give me the bow," Scootaloo offered her help. The Violet Leader drops his bow and arrow to Scootaloo.

"Don't worry about arrows, it has an enchantment that replaces the arrow. Just fire as much as you can," The Violet Leader explained. Scootaloo holds the bow on the of the cart with her left forehoof and picks up the arrow with her right forehoof. She carefully places the arrow's back end on the string, making sure the arrow didn't fall off and is held in the slit for the bow. She closes her right eye and adjusts her aim to make sure this arrow definitely hits. She then let's go of the string and the arrow shoots off, hitting and destroying a Demon Steve. The arrow then reappears in her right forehoof.

"Great shot!" The Violet Leader commended as he strikes a few more lightning strikes. Scootaloo repeats the steps she just did. Secure the arrow in place, pull the string, aim, let go. But this time, the arrow didn't destroy a Demon Steve.

"Shoot where I next strike lightning!" The Violet Leader demanded. He summons lightning on some more Demon Steves to the right, and Scootaloo aims where that lightning just struck and shoots, killing another Demon Steve.

"That's it! You're doing very good!" The Violet Leader shouted as he summons lightning to the Demon Steves to the left. Scootaloo aims to the left and shoots, destroying another Demon Steve. The 2 began to coordinate very efficiently. The Violet Leader may of been able to kill a few Demon Steves with lightning, but with Scootaloo there destroying an extra demon each time is another one that's sent back to the world below, or whatever the equivalent of the world below is for Equis.
"I'm getting tired... have they stopped!?" Big Mac asked as he began the trot slower to try and get at least a bit more air. But it didn't make a difference, and he couldn't go back to the speed he was going at.

"I'm afraid not," The Green Leader replied.

"W... what in t... tarnation..." Granny Smith has barely regained her consciousness, and is shaken at her surroundings. When she went unconscious, she thought she was dead, only to find out she's very much alive and now felt completely fine. It is almost as if she was in a nightmare. Apple Bloom sighs of relief that Granny Smith before looking at the Green Leader.

"Are you able to do some of that lightning to fight the Demon Steves?"

"I think she's in need now," The Green Leader stated as he looks at Sweetie Belle, who had now passed out. The Green Leader sat next to the left side of Sweetie Belle and gently puts his right hand on her head and keeps it there until she woke up.

"H... huh?"

"You feeling better?" The Green Leader asked.

"I... I think so- H... how did you do that?"

My Little Pony meets Rainbow Quest: The sequelWhere stories live. Discover now