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Friday September 22nd 1985

📍Hawkins High

Joanne Henderson

This week went by surprisingly fast. On Monday Robin and I skipped school to break into family video, but the rest of the week was pretty mellow. I think Nancy finally caught on to whatever me and Robin have going on- which we still haven't technically discussed if there's anything going on at all.

I finally got to see one of Dustin's DND games in person, and to my surprise Eddie Munson is actually a pretty cool dude. And on Wednesday during French Robin passed me a note asking me if I wanted to come to her house after school on Friday, I said yes, and today is Friday.

I had to convince Dustin to bike home so that I we needed have to wait for him.

I've been sitting in English scribbling in my note book waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to French. We are doing a stupid project in English about the Bell Jar, but I'm sure only a few people other than me actually read the book.

The bell finally rings and I pack all my stuff up into my book bag and walk to French. When I get there Robin is already sitting in the sit next to mine.

"Hey Rob" I greet setting my stuff down and sitting in my seat.

"Hey Jo, cookie?" She asks holding out a cookie with a Jack-o-lantern on it.

"Sure" I smile taking it from her "but isn't it a little early for Halloween cookies?" I question taking a bite out of the cookie.

"It's never too early for Halloween cookies" Robin sighs like it's common sense.

"Got it, so I take it Halloween is your favorite holiday?" I chuckle.

"Of course it is!" She emphasizes.

"And fall is your favorite season?" I add.

"Do you even have to ask?"

"Noted" I giggle.

Robin gets super dramaticabout the stuff she loves, I don't really mind though, I like listening to her talk. She's never gonna let me forget her obsession with film cameras, and Truman Capote books, or Abba, and the most important is her serious love for Paris.

"classe silencieuse" my teacher announces trying to get the classes attention.

She gives us some stupid assignment that Robin finishes in less than five minutes, then she proceeds to do mine.

"How are you so good at this?" I sigh.

"Years of social torment have forced to to actually care about school" she says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes teasing and we go back to whispering until the final bell rings and everyone packs out and rushes out the door. Robin and I are the last ones out of the classroom as usual.

"Do we have to wait for Dustin?" Robin asks as we walk out the front door of the school.

"Nope!" I smile making my way to the car "him and Mike are biking home."

Bad habit, Robin Buckley Where stories live. Discover now