Family Reunion ⛓🖤

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It was two weeks later, and much had changed. For one, Farquad hadn't come out of his room unless to gather his meals. Second, the act of laughing had been banned from his kingdom, causing chaos throughout the village. Many people had been arrested, and the small economy of the kingdom was collapsing. Farquad had gone bitter to the core, rotting inside out from the betrayal he had felt. Some might've said he was being dramatic, others might've said he was too sensitive, but he saw himself to be acting rationally. He had opened his heart, and for what. To be thrown around like a piece of trash? Which by the way, was also banned in his kingdom now. Never again, he thought. Never again would he show weakness. This was his perfect kingdom after all, and trust was weak, right?

Farquad sat in his room, as usual. His natural appearance has changed drastically in his sad times. Now he only wore black, and had chains on his clothes as well. His hair was the same, but he had stopped taking care of it. Now it hung over his face covering one eye, looking more greasy than a McDonald's grill.
Sighing, he turned another page of his storybook, grimacing as the Princess kissed the devilishly handsome prince.
"Realistic," he said sarcastically, before throwing the book into his fireplace. He watched it burn with a deep hatred towards the person he would've once called his "lover". That... that man was a fake, two faced, backstabbing traitor who could rot in the most disgusting downtown Arby's with toilet paper on the floor and cockroaches in the toilets.

A loud knocking on the door startled Farquad, causing him to jump slightly backwards even though there wasn't even anyone in his room.
'Weak,' he thought to himself. He got up and slowly dragged his feet to the door. He opened it to see one of the maids, who was sweating nervously above him. Farquad was annoyed. "Well? Tis what?" He barked.
"U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uh 🥺👉👈" the maid stuttered. Farquad noticed a gold sealed envelope in her hand, and deciding that is why she had come, he snatched it with great difficulty from the height difference and slammed the door in her face. God he hated his employees right now, with them being the kind-hearted people they were. It pissed him off, because he now thought everyone was secretly using him. An effect of his previous encounter, probably. Or maybe it was the fact most of his employees were teenagers, a decision Farquad had made in a useless attempt at being taller than the people working for him. Sighing, Farquad slumped back on his black bed, and ripped open the letter with his chompers. It read,

Bitch you emo as fuck come over to my zeplin rn. If you dont I will expose ur emo ass to ur kingdom, and explode ur premium gay porn stores.

With love,

Your brother O'hare

He grimaced. Of course O'hare would know about the gay porn. He took a note in his My Chemical Romance notebook to hide it better in the future. Black ink like tears streamed down Farquad's face as he channeled his inner Gacha uwu boy, and he turned into a demon. Then he burst out his window and started the long flight up to Thneedvile.

========= emoest timeskip ==========

The putrid smell of shlopity shlop told Farquad he was nearing his destination. Smogolous smoke dried his lungs of their life, and Farquad started to wonder how the people of Thneedvile could withstand it. Not long after, O'hare's zeppelin became visible over the horizon, making Farquad feel a strange coil of dread wind up in his stomach. The last time they'd met, Farquad and O'hare had had a huge argument over the well-being of their kingdoms, and it hadn't ended well for their relationship. To sum it up, they hadn't been on such good terms until O'hare had, out of the blue, messaged/blackmailed him. He still wondered why. It wasn't like him to send a letter to Farquad, but then again, if he came into his kingdom with his trademark smirk, he'd be tackled to the ground by multiple guards in their signature sonic onesies. Farquad drifted on the wind currents until he reached the landing platform, which still had claw marks from his last arrival. He stretched out his bird-like talons and gripped firmly onto the flimsy strip of metal before transforming back into his greasy goth self. Flipping his hair back, he made his way warily through the seemingly never ending hallways towards O'hare's chambers.

Upon entering the main area, a blaring alarm sounded, making the baby man flinch. The alarm was so loud that he didn't notice two figures hastily approach him, and grab him from each of his arms. He shrieked a melody resembling Bad Romance by Lady Gaga, and attempted to yell blasphemy when a gag was placed on his charcoal black lips. He muffled curses at his captors, before he was thrust into a room harshly. An unmistakable, high pitched voice shrieked, busting Farquad's eardrums even more.
"YOU NINCOMPOOPS! I SAID BRING HIM HERE, NOT KIDNAP HIM, YOU INCAPABLE SKUNK FUMES SHITTED FROM BARBIE'S NON EXISTANT ASSHOLE!" O'hare, Farquad's brother exclaimed. Farquad heard scrambling, and suddenly his mouth was free once more.
"What is the meaning of this intolerable act of violence towards thou kin?" Farquad boomed.
"Bitch whatever. I yelled at thrm what more do u want fam?" O'hare scoffed. Farquad could feel himself raging already. This was going to be a long visit.
"So, to what do I owe the..."
He said with much difficulty. He had even greater difficulty towards not shouting swear words at this man, who had the audacity to be two inches taller than him.
"Well, I looked at your nasty kingdom yesterday and saw you looking like you just came outta Satan's ass, so I thought something might be up." Farquad just stared in shock at what his brother had stated. The audacity of O'hare just kept on growing and growing.
"Look here now, I don't know how thy has thought up such lies, but I shalt not stand for it!" He shouted while holding up one baby sized finger as if in denial. O'hare saw through Farquad's poor disguise and slid down on his height adjustable seat. Waddling over to Farquad, he made some complicated hand gestures to two men in the corner. They both exited the room, leaving only the two siblings. Farquad started having flashbacks, to when O'hare had done this very same thing only to beat Farquad up into a pulp. He started backing up as O'hare approached hik menacingly, until there was no more space to back up in. He was trapped. Farquad closed his orbs, anticipating the worst when suddenly his hands were grabbed and tied up. This only made Farquad worry more. He opened one orb only a sliver to see...

To be continued...

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