Heartbroken 💔😭

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      For the first time in his life, Prince Charming felt butterflies. It was 5:53 pm, and his little butter stick of fleas was due any minute. In the past, women would fall feet first to Charming, giving them their most prized valuables in order to get his love. None of them even considered the fact he was gay. Regardless, he took the valuables and sold them, gaining various dildos he intended to use on Farquad. He couldn't wait to start a relationship that meant something to him for the first time ever.

He checked his watch while pacing frantically around the restaurant. What if something went wrong? What if he messed up? How could he ever have sex if Farquad found out he had a fingernail for a dick?

Before he could think further, he heard the restaurant bell ring. Charming turned around to see who it was, only to be horrified with the sight of one of his many exes, Shrek. Shrek instantly saw Charming and blushed furiously.
"Oh Charming! I didn't expect you to follow me here, you sly dog~"
"Actually I was here before-"
Shrek silenced Charming by seductively pressing one finger on his lips.
"It's ok, I know you want to apologize."
Without another word, Shrek pressed his lips on Charmings. Charming's gorgeous blue orbs widened in shock. He then pushed Shrek away quickly, feeling flustered.
"I- I can't."
"But I forgive you... why can't you love me?"
"Shrek, I've fallen in love with another man." Charming blushed a bit when saying that. Admitting feelings to another in front of your ex wasn't exactly easy to do. Shrek on the other hand did not take the comment well.
"WHAT?!" Shrek boomed with his alpha dominant voice.
"Look I'm sorry-"
Charming recoiled, agast.
"But you kissed me?"
Shrek started sobbing, then ran like a duck out of the restaurant. Charming felt bad, but there was no time to worry about petty relationships from the past. He had a date tonight, and that's all that mattered. So Charming went to sit at his reserved table, anxiously awaiting his date. Hours went by, but Farquad never showed up. Charming began to think he was stood up. He waited a few more minutes, then sadly got up and left. He didn't even pay the bill, so the police started chasing after him. Charming was crying like a mad man, and just ran and ran and ran.

Charming outran the police and ran home. He sat on his bed filled with anger and sadness. His heart ached with the thought that Fardquad didn't like him back. What about yesterday? Farquad had seemed so flustered when they were talking. Could it have been he was just offended by his tallness? No. Charming was sure Farquad had been blushing. He'd literally turned red.

Charming thought about it some more, but then it dawned on him. When Shrek had kissed him, Charming had been too shocked to think about anything. When they were arguing about being together. Charming had been distracted. In that time Farquad could've walked in and saw them. Oh no... what if Farquad thought he was in love with Shrek? Charming had really messed up this time. That ogre would pay for meddling with Charming's romance life. In the meantime, Charming needed to amend Farquad and his relationship. Or else he feared he would lose himself to darker desires.

======Farquad's POV: 5:53pm that day======

To say he was excited was an understatement. Farquad had never been on a date before in his entire life. As he aproached the rustic doors of the restaurant, he reviewed his outfit. It was a purple frilled dress, tailored to fit his specific figure by the esteemed Fiona. He wore a corset which matched perfectly, and bright red lipstick for a sharp look. What would the prince think of his dress? Would he even like it? Ugh never mind. Farquad saw a tall broad figure approaching another, and thought it was a great time to make a dramatic entrance. He quickly opened the doors and strutted in only to stop moments later. Standing before him was Shrek, his old nemisis, and Charming. They seemed to be arguing. Just then Shrek yelled,
"THEN WHY DID YOU KISS ME?" and Farquad's already fragile heart shattered. He felt hot tears coming down his cheeks. His legs felt numb, and he began to shake. Prince Charming had played him... this whole time. It was a lie. He couldn't believe he, the prince of his perfect kingdom, had fallen for such a... a jerk! Farquad's breathing tightened and became more and more unstable. He had to get out of here, but he couldn't stop staring. Finally he took a few, slow, shaky steps out the door and sunk into his carriage. He kicked the door to let the driver know it was time to leave. The whole ride back he stood emotionlessly out the window, tears flowing freely from his orbs, as he fell into a dark pit of hurt and despair. He vowed in those very moments, that he would never love again

Finding Love: a Lord Farquad x Prince Charming storyWhere stories live. Discover now