11.New idea

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Sehun POV
I am staring at the bracelet I had on my hand and thinking Yesterday I just had date with him. It was so wonderful I like spending time with him although he come to dates because of the agreement that  is......if he weekly come to date . I will stop going to his university.

Yibo didn't sent me any message about him recently maybe zhan started  accepting our engagement. I don't feel that this engagement is only a promise anymore ,infact I love it. Or else someone would have snatched my xiao zhan. He is now attached to me. His name is somehow attached to me.

I love him. I love him so much. We just had three dates so far. even though he acts fierce  I still saw a cute side of him when we were on our date.  I got to know that he is afraid of dogs. The way he clinged to me and tell me to get rid of dog.. Ohhh damn just thinking about it makes me feel so good.

I sometimes smile  alone thinking about him and my assistant happened to see that and ask me what am I smiling for...and I was not aware that I was smiling like an idiot thinking about zhan.

My assistant tell me that this are the symptoms of love.I think I am madly in love with him. I don't wanna do meetings I want to see my xiao zhan. But I have to wait for a week. It's evening I had to attend one more meeting and then I will go home.

After some time.

Meeting is finished. Done for the day guess it's time to leave. I was driving and suddenly my phone started ringing. I drove my car at the side of road  to attend the call and saw who is it. It was xiao zhan, it was first time that xiao zhan call me. It's always me who calls him or message him he just received or respond my message .calm down sehun don't act  desperate..

"Hello" I said

"Hello sehun. Ask your brother where did he hide my marble collection. He hide them to irritate me" he said.

"You called me for that?"  I ask
"Or else?  For what do u think  I will"he said
"Nothing..don't worry I will ask him"
With that he cut the call.

I Dialled yibo number
Hello yibo did you have xiao zhan marbles?  I ask
No he said
But he told me that you  have them? I ask
Yeah. He said
Why are you doing this? just give him those please I said
"I don't want to "he said
Why ?I ask
"Coz I fucking hate him" he said
Yibo don't talk like that he is your brother in law. I said
Then tell him to act like one he said
You're not gonna tell me where it is? I ask
No. Besides why are you taking his side I am your brother as well. Take my side.he said
Yibo..... Hello... Yibo... He didn't listen this coz he cut the call..

I call xiao zhan
Tell me where it is? Xiao zhan ask
Actually he is not telling me. You want marbles right. I will buy you. I said
Shut up. They were not simple marbles. They were the plastic marbles which can be found in fountain ink pen only. I collected them from my childhood. I only want them xiao zhan said
Listen. I am sorry. But he is not telling me. Infact he said that I am his brother so I should take his side. He is angry at me. I said
So am I .xiao zhan said
I am also angry with you. You're my fiance so why are you taking his side he said.
My ears are blessed he just call me his fiance. He just call me fiance. Thank god I have automatic recorded system. I will hear this on repeat.

Hello??  Hello?  Sehun... Are you there xiao zhan said
Yeah... I will ask him again wait I said

I again call yibo
Hello I said
If you call me to ask about his marbles then sorry I can't tell you he said

Listen yibo. Please tell me where is it?  I will give you anything ok?  Sehun said
No he said
Please... Please.. Please.. I said
Stop.. I don't believe this you're saying "please" just for him. Do you love him this much. He ask
I do.  I said
Yibo goes silent for a moment. And then said Fine actually I myself don't know where it is I  threw them in dustbin. So I don't know where the dustbin is now. Coz it's might have taken by our  dorm cleaner.
What?  I said..

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