{Chapter 17} Birthday Date

Start from the beginning

“Someone likes to be my pretend girlfriend.” I sing song at Marley as she turned around quickly, cheeks inflamed with embarrassment.

“I do not!” she exclaimed as my heart pained a little, but I ignored it.

“Aw, Miss Riddle are you really that disgusted by me?” I asked with mock hurt as I placed my hand on my chest, she blinked at me for a second and then blushed again.

“I never said that….” she whispered at me as I grinned.

“Oh then what do you think about me, Miss Riddle?” I asked turning on the girl as she looked up at me, blushing by the sudden closeness of our bodies. I only continued to smirk down at the blushing girl.

“You really want to know what I think about you Fred?” she asked with such softness in her voice that lured me in closer to her. She smirked at me, something I rarely see Marley do. “I think….” She whispered looking up at me with a smile as she stood up on her tip toes getting closer to my face. “I think…. YOU SHOULD GET BACK TO WORK!” I heard her yell as he smacked me upside the head. I blinked down at the girl, completely taken back by what she had done. She looked up at me with a smirk, before turning back around to face the startled and confused customer.

“Oh, you’re good.” I said with a grin, “But I will get back at you for that.” I whispered in her ear before leaving to go back to help a customer with a product. I glanced back to see Marley’s face completely red again, I smirked at a job well done.

“Yeah, have a nice day!” I recalled to the last person that exited the joke shop, and with a swish of my wand the placed said closed. I let out a sigh of pure relief, that day was exhausting. I looked over to see Marley counting the money in the cash register, I grinned at her. She was so efficient, much better than I was at that sort of things. “Miss Riddle!” I announced as I walked over to her to see her cock an eyebrow at me.

“Yes, Fred?” she asked curiously as I leaned across the counter, wanting to be as close as I could be to Marley. I smirked at the question I would ask her.

“I think I owe you a birthday date.” I said as Marley blinked at me a few times before a blush formed on her face.

“Y-You don’t have to…” she said quietly as I smiled.

“Well I want to Miss Riddle, and you can not say no, because I make the rules here.” I said firmly as she looked at me questioning. “Plus, this will probably be our last date since I’m leaving in a few days.” I stated as I looked down at her, something flashed across her face, but she was good at hiding what it was, because soon her face replaced with a smile.

“Fine.” She said as I looked at her, I thought I would have to use much more persuasion techniques than just that. “I’ll go on the date with you, but Clary has to come along.”

I grinned, “I’d love that. My two favorite woman in one!” I announced as she rolled her eyes at me. I then turned to see Clary had made her way downstairs with a grin as she looked at Marley and me.

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now