I blanked. As far as I knew, telepathy did not exist and I didn't remember telling her about training. "Yeah, I do actually... how did you know?"

"I inferred. You said the Spring Tournament was coming up, and you've been training pretty much everyday since."

Hmm, fair point. She was extremely observant so a massive detail like that wouldn't have been missed by her. And I, on the other hand, was just being paranoid. As usual.

"I don't know how I feel about the idea of you figuring out and memorising my schedule. But I guess that makes things more convenient."

"Two brains are better than one," she replied. "Even if one only contains two braincells and the other is clinging on with one singular cell."

"Straight facts," I agreed with a lazy yawn. Maybe I should get some rest.

Three hours wasn't nearly long enough but I could make it work.


"Get your ass up, we're already late!" The rooster shrieked, mercilessly tearing the blanket off me, leaving me to die in the cold. What a heartless creature. And to think that this creature referred to himself as my best friend...

Suddenly, I felt his claws around my ankles. Fuck. Before I could retaliate, I felt myself being dragged off the bed, landing on the floor with painful thud. Such humiliation. I should've seen it coming but I was too sleep-deprived to prevent it. "So you really wanna die today, huh?" I glared up at Kuroo, who was standing over me with a shit-eating grin.

"Well, look who's finally awake!" He beamed, as if he hadn't just offended me in one of the worst ways possible. The audacity.

I groggily sat up and looked around as Kuroo proceeded to pack my school bag. "It's still dark outside, why are we up so early?" I groaned, lying back down on the floor. It wasn't the most comfortable but at least the blanket was also on the floor too.

"Early? It's 5:30 already, get your shit together." The captain snapped and tossed me my uniform, which landed nicely on my face. I was about to argue but the guy was already glaring dangerously at me. So I had to settle with cursing Kuroo mentally and got dressed before he resorted to physical violence. Not even five minutes later we were already running out of the house, as Kuroo led a fast-paced life, one I could not keep up with.

It was not even six when we arrived at school. Kuroo always liked being the first one there to unlock the gym and set up the court. And of course, that meant I had to be as well. Setting up a court was more efficient with two pairs of hands, even if the second pair had significantly lower reach. As six o' clock approached, the other teammates started to show up.

"Where's Shiro-chan?" Tora asked me, as we were already halfway through our warmup and the manager was still nowhere to be seen. "She's never late for training."

"I wouldn't know," I shrugged. It was weird though, she was usually amongst the first to show up at morning trainings, despite her unhealthy sleeping schedule.

"Aren't you close with her? Call her or something." Lev suggested, having listened to our conversation and invited himself in.

Again, that was another ignorant idea coming from the first-year, although this time, he couldn't be blamed. Shiro and I did seem pretty close, but I had always avoided exchanging numbers in real life. To her, my number belonged to applep1e and I would rather it stay that way for as long as possible.

"Yeah, give her a call!" Tora agreed enthusiastically. "Please, Kenma. I miss her, you miss her, we all miss her."

I was about to object to his dramatic statement, but before I could do so, Kuroo came stalking over. "What are you slackers complaining about?"

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 [Kozume Kenma]Where stories live. Discover now