Chapter 52: The Battle

Start from the beginning

Not that it looked like Zoroark. Many of the police officers trembled violently. Two fainted. Zoroark produced such a hideous and horrifying illusion of death that it terrified even those who were afraid of nothing else.

Attacks barely seemed to scratch it. It towered over everyone. Alec was there, hiding in the sand pit and waving to Zoroark to attempt to calm it down, but it ignored even him. Nyx tried to speak to it. It only screamed incoherently back. Zorua scurried under the trembling legs of the police force to reach it. When it hurtled over their heads and slammed into the wall behind Nyx, it was unconscious. Zoroark attacked it. It was out of control, like a Shadow Pokémon in Reverse Mode, but it wasn't a Shadow Pokémon.

Battling it, even without Shadow Pokémon, was no use. Attacking did nothing but enrage it. Thalassa couldn't get past the security guards who filled the corridor by the time she went out, so she ran out onto the roof and took off on Charizard. She saw Zoroark and the auras below. She tried to speak to it. The force of its pained scream almost threw her off Charizard. They hit a wall.

A security guard was hurled over a shoulder. Another emerged from the shadows to seize Altair upon receiving Rudolph's approval of a '20-11' that could be blamed on Zoroark. Caroline's Slowbro froze the guard with its psychic power.

'Sir! Sir! Caroline Frasier's seen it!'

'20-11 her! Blame it all on the Pokémon!'

Altair ran on. He dodged another lunging guard. Hope, still wearing the Pawniard onesie she slept in, punched a guard who charged at Osbert.

'20-11 them all!'

'Shadow Pokémon!'

Altair reached the playground. Hope caught up to him. There could no longer be any doubt that Rudolph's administration was crooked. Two Interplanetary Police officers who could see auras – Altair who inherited the ability from Leon and Hope from Wish – saw every Ironville PD officer in the vicinity using Shadow Pokémon to contain Zoroark. It was clear they intended to kill it.

'Get back!' Altair roared, 'All of you!'

He pointed at the growing group as Thalassa landed beside Nyx.

'Including you! Stop trying to talk to it! Get to safety!'

'Poor Zoroark...'

Thalassa's eyes welled up.

'He must be in so much pain... but what's going on? He's not a Shadow Pokémon, but he's acting like one...'


Nyx shook her head as she sprayed Zorua with Revive.

'It's not that...'

She glanced down at the tattoo on her left arm, of Volo clutching the Holy Book as he looked up at the space-time rift he had Giratina tear open. An identical rift gaped in the sky over Mt. Coronet. Nyx recalled the song that the lyrics on her tattoos were from.

Grandma, I ripped open space and time,
Let the banished child free,
The Lord Pokémon are frenzied...

Zorua nodded. 'He's frenzied! The lightning from the rift hit him! Like it hit the Noble Pokémon in Hisui!'

'You're right.'

They were flung into the wall by a chilling wave of Bitter Malice. The police and their Shadow Pokémon became a flailing pile. Nyx saw the movie about Volo, but her grandma's stories painted the most vivid picture in her mind. She recalled how Akari, the hero summoned from the future by Arceus itself, quelled the frenzied Noble Pokémon by pelting them with balms made from their favourite foods.

No-one knew Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark better than Nyx. She skated back to Pip Pip Piplup. Cinderace kicked through the window. The burglar alarm blared until Sonnet smashed it. His mug shattered.

'What a shame. I'll just use one of these.'

He picked up a kettle. It hurtled at the security guard who charged in. He fell onto his back. Pheromosa knocked him out with a swift kick to the forehead.

'I'm with you,' Mercury said as Nyx swept all the mushrooms on the shelf into the cart she grabbed, 'But what are we actually doing?!'

'Making balms!'


His own recollection of the movie and Muirne's stories lit up his eyes.

'Oh! Like in Hisui!'

Sonnet placed a mortar and pestle on a plastic garden table.


There was no time to ask Sonnet how he knew that. When Callerya, Jin and Firmino found them, they fetched more mortars and pestles. They watched Nyx smashing the mushrooms and tying the balls up in parcels, then stuffed their pestles with mushrooms to make more. Mercury piled them up in a laundry basket. They all heard a barking voice over a headset, but no-one noticed Sonnet slipping away.

They used every mushroom in the store. Zorua and Zoroark returned to Nyx with a trolley pilled high with chocolate. The laundry basket overflowed. Once every square of chocolate was used, they emptied the basket into the trolley. Nyx skated back out with it.

Most citizens were safe in shelters by then. Unconscious police officers and security guards littered the roads. A swing from the playground flew over the roofs. The blinding glow that surrounded Zoroark began to move. Ironville PD were overwhelmed. Hope tried to battle Zoroark. Altair tried to calm it using a Pokémon Ranger's Capture Styler. They were wounded and knocked out. The Styler was destroyed.

'If you can't throw in a straight line, don't even try to help me.'

Nyx's words were for Firmino, who certainly couldn't throw in a straight line. Jin grabbed an armful of balms and took off on his Charizard. Thalassa followed. Nyx skated straight towards Zoroark with the trolley. She felt the chill of Bitter Malice before it blew at her. She couldn't throw anything. Her arms were frozen. How did Akari throw anything at a frenzied Avalugg? Nyx was sure she actually heard Muirne's voice, reminding her that Akari rolled to dodge attacks so they hit her back and barely affected her. Once Cinderace burned the Bitter Malice away, Nyx grabbed a balm and tried to roll to avoid the next one. It worked. Before Zoroark attacked again, she hurled the balm. Jin and Thalassa hit it from above. Zorua launched a balm with its tail. Callerya observed Nyx's roll and copied her. Her aim was perfect. Zoroark's booming roar shook the ground and surrounding buildings. It was weakened.

'Feraligatr! Use Crunch!'

The others were free to hurl balms while Firmino commanded Feraligatr to attack. Zoroark snapped out of its daze. It fought Feraligatr off. The waves of Bitter Malice intensified until they were suffocating. A hideous illusion of a mound of wounded skin inflicted physical pain on all who saw it. Nyx and Callerya tried to keep their eyes on the ground. Jin and Thalassa dropped their balms on Zoroark's head without looking at it. Mercury covered his eyes with his camera. He felt bad that he wasn't throwing anything, but Nyx told him to take photos. Besides, like Firmino, he couldn't throw in a straight line.

Zoroark was dazed again. Jin and Thalassa landed to snatch more balms. Nyx and Callerya pelted Zoroark incessantly until Feraligatr could no longer hold it back. Callerya lost hope that this would work. They were almost out of balms. Zoroark rammed a church so forcefully that it collapsed. The light emanating from Zoroark dazzled in all directions on the shards of stained glass windows that rained down. It produced an illusion of the shards impaling it in which the light turned to gushing blood. Setting eyes on it made everyone feel like they were brutally slashed apart by the razor-sharp shards. Even Nyx could hardly bear the pain. Thalassa's Charizard crash-landed on a roof. There was only one balm left. Zoroark reached out to destroy it.

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