Attack: 3

Speed: 5

Defense: 2

Charm: 0

Intelligence: 6

Magic: 5

Personal Attributes: Gaze of Wisdom (Lvl.1). Thermal Vision (Lvl.MAX). Venom (Lvl. 1). Agility (Lvl. 1). Tongue Receptor (Lvl. 1)

Skills: Ice Magic (Lvl. 1)>>

Theodore stared at the screen in awe. Even after humans had gained game-like abilities, there was no such thing as an attribute window for people to view their statuses. The only way for people to know their strengths is to go check with the "Heroes' International Guild" since they can provide an ability evaluation service. For skills, people could only take mental or physical notes of their magic's names. For him to be able to view his status in an instant is nothing short of convenient.

After sweeping his eyes through the screen, he couldn't help but have mixed feelings about his zero charm status, which was understandable considering that snakes are not very appealing to most. However, his stats at the moment were basically reset back to where he'd started when he first awakened—No, it was even worse, the average strength of a newly powered-up human is around 10 units.

He ignored the major difference and spoke. "System, is there anything else I should know?" First things first, he would start by gathering more intel about his situation.

[Your inability to be reborn as a human was not the only price you needed to pay.] The System began. The slight pause in its sentence made Theo nervous. Nevertheless, it didn't last very long. [The ability to retain the memories of your past life is something mortals shouldn't possess, hence you're required to do certain tasks in exchange for this ability.]

Theodore would've frowned if not for the fact that he had no eyebrows. "Tasks?"

[Yes, think of them as "Quests". If you fail to do them in time, you will slowly start to lose your memory until you become nothing more than an ordinary snake.]

He shivered after hearing the explanation, it was especially more creepy when he's hearing it in his own voice too. He didn't like the fact that whoever granted his wish was also toying with his life and death, but he chose not to complain out loud, seeing that entertaining someone in exchange for these powers was something he was willing to pay the price for.

"Fine. If that's what it takes."

His blood was boiling just from the thought of his past. Although his best friend wasn't killed, the rest of his team members who'd entrusted him with their lives were slaughtered without a single care. While he might not be the best at empathizing, at the very least, he has a guilty conscience. Not only that, from what Rhys had said, Merlin and some others are being used as slaves to the Griffins family, to think humans were still able to do something so barbaric...

He gritted his fangs in an attempt to calm his rage. "I assume I will be given a task by now?"

[Ah, yes. I was in the process of informing you about your first quest.] Another screen appeared next to his status window:

<<Main Quest #1

You've successfully reincarnated! However, you're still nothing more than a mere snakelet, you need to get stronger! In order to do so, you'll need to kill Creatures of the Gate. You'll gain experience points, which in turn will level you up!

-Kill a monster (0/1)

Time Limit: 48 Hours.

(Complete this objective to unlock the next part of the quest.)>>

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