Jäger x (Female) Reader ✔︎

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Ever since you and the German made eye contact, even if it was through his helmet, things haven't been quite the same between the two of you. During your recruitment, he's been just as harsh to you as the other recruits because that's literally his job, but afterwards the two of you often stayed at the workshop. Marius showed you things on his gadget, full of enthusiasm and even though he could hardly shut up about it, he knew when to stop. Which was mostly when you slumped down in your chair with a deep sigh of internal pain and frustration.

No worries, you two found a balance at some point along the way as your friendship grew stronger. When you were sad, Marius would always bring you something to make you smile like a pretzel with some butter. You'd often have a beer or another after and soon your worries were forgotten, lost in wherever they went. In return, you listened to his presentations about his gadget and even helped him whenever he had a problem.

This evening would be a long one and by no means restricted to only the facility you were stationed at with the other operators. Today revolved around a man, who had been on the radar of the Rainbow organization for quite a while now. With new, more frequent appearances of the terrorist organization commonly referred to as white masks, he had been under close observation by many operators. That was because these white masked terrorists were not to be played with since they were an extremely well structured, global and dangerous threat. Now it was the Rainbow organizations job to eliminate and contain them.

However, even if this sounds all exciting, these were the few highlights picked out and you happened to get stuck in one of those non-highlights. At least you were there with Marius which made things somewhat better. This evening, it was your job to observe and gather information about said male suspect. At an outdoor dance party.

Needless to say, you two were anything else than thrilled since there was more of another feeling accompanying the two of you. Marius was emotionally clueless most of the time, so if you'd ask him what that feeling was, he would mutter some German sentences before ultimately shrugging. But who were you to complain? It was kind of funny and even sweet, seeing his usually mild expression break into a questioning gaze.

Of course you went undercover and to match the environment (totally not because you didn't know what you were doing) you decided for a relatively simple clothing choice. You had chosen to wear a light blue jeans that had a loose fit, held up by a brown belt with some casual, silver-ish decorations, all of it topped off by a white, loose fit shirt. It really matched the relaxed atmosphere along with the shit ton of bracelets you always wore. Marius had just settled down on his signature blue jeans with a dark, olive green hoodie.

As you two were moving your bodies to the slow beat of the music, you always kept the suspect in your vision. For now at least. When Marius excused himself to get you two drinks, the suspect just suddenly disappeared into the crowd. Well, it wasn't that important now anyway since they got all the information required.

The noises seemed to blank out as you drifted off into your own thoughts as you looked up at the rosy clouds. Who thought sunsets could be this beautiful?
As you kept thinking, you recalled all those moments of kindness you and Marius had towards each other. How long has it been since... That night. The night where you drunkenly kissed the first time. Probably a month ago and none of you dared to talk about it even when that memory of soft lips and the taste of alcohol was engraved into your minds. You thought more and realized that you were madly in love with Marius, who found comfort under his helmet and in the workshop around people who loved the same topics he did. He was one heck of a guy. Everything you could dream of. Caring, genuine, fun to be around and good looking to top it off. The night already took over the sky completely as Marius returned with two glasses of beer - what else.

"Well, looks like you've missed the sunset." you said a little too nervous for your likings. After this moment to think, having smalltalk was probably the worst idea ever. But what's life without a risk?
"looks like I did. Schade drum... (how sad)" he sighed and took a sip of the beer and sunk back into thoughts. Yes, Marius loved you too, but his Asperger kind of made it a little difficult for him to engage in romantic situations. It wasn't impossible or uncomfortable, just that he had to give himself one or two pushes more than other people to actually do it. Still, one thing was clear for him, he loved you and wanted to confess and ask you out at some point. Maybe this dance would be the perfect environment, but it was a bit too noisy for that so he crossed that idea out of his mind.

"Uhm, do you plan on doing anything later on?" you then proceeded to ask as you felt the awkwardness grow since the conversation was slowly dying down. While you were continuously sipping of your beer, you desperately started thinking of another thing to talk about. Maybe you can talk about the weather or the person you were supposed to spy on. But these were all just boring topics no one cared about.

Suddenly, you had an idea and gently wrapped your hand around Marius' wrist, who first flinched at the sudden contact but then relaxed shortly after. As you led him away from the loud crowd, you were able to catch glimpses of his softening expression. The entire time he'd been growing increasingly uncomfortable with the whole event, but he somehow made his way through. And you couldn't deny that it was the same feeling for you as well.

"So, what's so important that you need to drag me away from the dance, hm?" Marius asked with a sarcastic undertone and smiled at you. "Well, I kinda have a confession to make... Marius, over the time we've been friends I realized something. Which is that I really love you, I really do." you sighed as you hoped that Marius wouldn't laugh or just reject you. However, all you go was a simple kiss on the lips, gentle and loving. Marius smiled against your soft lips as he pulled you closer, hands resting on your waist. "I love you too, mein Schatz. (my darling)" he whisbered sofly against your ear as the German gently caressed your back. This couldn't be happening, right?

Yet, you felt his touches and heard his words, still you couldn't believe that this was reality. It all seemed to play out so perfectly and smoothly. Marius played with the soft locks of your hair and rested his head on your shoulder as he kept giving you small kisses on the neck. You knew how tired Marius could get since he stayed night awake in his workshop. After a minute, you sighed and started fumbling with his hair as well, combing through it with you hand. Marius lifted his head off your shoulder and trapped you in another kiss, more confident than the last time. His lips were scarred because he'd been chewing them open on the regular, while yours were soft and taken good care of.

"I guess we're together now?" you muffled yourself by leaning your head onto his chest. "Natürlich (of course) my love." the German smiled as you only hugged him tighter. The next things you remember is him muttering some kind sounding sentences in German paired with soft kisses here and there. You still couldn't quite understand how someone can be as lovely and chaotic as the German Pretzel you just got yourself as a boyfriend, but you didn't have a problem with it. Back at the base, Marius allowed you to stay with him and rest on his shoulder as he wrote the mission report.

And once that was done as well, the both of you just went straight to bed and tried to get as much rest as possible for the upcoming day. Mission simulations be dammed.

>> 1420 words

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