Confessed end

"Aw, come on Deej. It was pretty tame for a slasher flick." Gwen said.

"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking. Not like Bloodbath 2; Summer Camp Regin of Terror!" Duncan said.

"No way! That's like my favorite movie! I love when the killer jams that guy's hand into the lawnmower!" Gwen said happily. Duncan laugh and moved closer to Gwen, and Jezebel have a smile on her face seeing her two best friends get together.

"Or when he pushes the girl off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half!" Duncan said moving closer to him.

"Or when he shoves that big dude's head inside the wood chipper!" they both said together before laughing at DJ's horror-like face.

"I'm glade you both can share your love and joy for horror movies. But I'll still bunk with LeShawna." Jezebel told them while holding LeShawna tightly.

"Aw, looks like Gwen and Duncan have more in common than bad fashion sense. It's just mindless guts and gore." Heather said. 

"Horror movies aren't mindless." Gwen defended and Duncan nodded along.

"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma, look at DJ." Duncan pointed out.

"Whatever, does anyone have any idea what our challenge is going to be this week?" Heather asked. 

"Yeah, where's the Chrismeister?" Geoff asked throwing a chip in his mouth.

The campers were silent for a while until they heard the faint humming of something over neat the dock. They quickly made their way there and watched as Chef threw luggage onto the boat of losers while Chris stood at the controls, waiting for him to finish.

"Hey, yo Chef. Where's the fire?" Duncan asked, Chef, squealed and jumped onto the boat, running into the engine room and taking off, leaving behind a backpack. 

"Hey!" Owen shouted, holding it up. "You forgot this!" something fell from it, and Owen picked it up. It was a newspaper and he opened it to the first page. 

"Escaped murder on the loose. Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask with a hook and carrying a chainsaw." Owen read out loud. 

"He's on the loose!" Izzy said laughing out loud. 

"Oh, come on! They don't expect us to fall for this. Scary movie followed by a hasty exit followed by a strategically placed lame prop?" Heather scoffed.

"I don't know. He looked pretty spooked." DJ pointed out.

"Pul-lease. It's all part of their little stunt to freak us out." Heather said, and even though it left a bad taste in Jezebel's mouth she had to agree with her. Seems pretty fishy.

"If this is a stunt," Owen said digging around the backpack. "Would Chris leave his hair gel?" he asked, and everyone but Heather and Jezebel gasped. 

"Whoa! This is for real!" Gwen said shocked.

"So let me get this straight, Chris left us for dead and now we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw is on the loose." DJ gulped.

"No. We're alone while that psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook is on the loose!" Duncan said as he pulled out the hook again making DJ scream. 

"Really Duncan. You know he's either going to wet his bed or sleep with you and wet your bed." Jezebel whispered into Duncan's ear. And Duncan looked at her in horror and she nodded at DJ.

"Yeah, get a grip bro," LeShawna told him.

"I can't help it. I feel like we're being watched." DJ whimpered. 

Total Drama Island (Season One) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now