Anger flared in Laila's eyes. She grabbed her wand and ran outside, pointing it at the figure, shaking with rage.

"You!" She shouted, her voice laced with hatred.

The man looked up, his eyes bloodshot and broken, his hair disheveled, face caked with blood and grime, but it wasn't Lucius' face that stared at her.

It was Draco's.

"Draco," She whispered.

Laila dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into her, stroking his hair as he cried into her neck.

"You're alive," Laila sobbed, holding him close, weeping into his hair.

Draco couldn't form a coherent thought. He wrapped his arms around her waist, burying himself in her embrace and holding onto her tightly. Like she would disappear at any moment.

He felt finally calm in her arms like he could-

"Wake up, Draco,"

Draco snapped his head up, looking into her eyes with horror and confusion. He backed away, cocking his head to the side.


"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to upset you-"

"No-no, what did you say?"

"Let's go inside?" Laila repeated, blinking at him.

"Oh, I thought you- never mind," Draco shook the thought away, but something was eating him up inside.


Laila helped him inside, leaving him at her small kitchen table while she ran him a shower.

Draco stared at his plate. The pieces of bacon on it seemed so foreign, seeing as he'd only eaten moldy bread for the past four months.

"Wake up!"

Draco spun his head around, holding his fork up behind him.

Laila held her hands up, stepping back.

"It's just me,"

Draco carefully lowered the fork, setting it on the table and clearing his throat.

"The shower's ready," Laila whispered, walking forward and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Draco nodded, pushing himself up and following Laila to the bathroom, glancing behind him skeptically.

And he could've sworn a pair of eyes locked with his.

The house was like he remembered, except Laila's parents weren't there, and neither was her baby sister.

Draco's heart sank. Mya was only ten. He tried to push the thought away, but it pained him to walk by her room.

"If you need me, yell. I put some of your old clothes on the counter," Laila said softly, smiling at Draco.

Draco nodded.

"Thank you,"

Even though he was safe and home, something felt off about Laila. Something felt off about everything. It wasn't right. He pushed that aside. 

The fears are only in his head.






It took Draco 30 minutes to wash all the grime and blood off and another twenty just letting the hot water run over him.

After changing into the clothes, Draco exited the bathroom. All the lights in the house were off, and the door to Laila's room was barely open, a hazy light illuminating the hall.

He stepped toward the door, opened it, and saw Laila facing away from him, sitting on her bed, her hair pushed back.


"Wake up,"

Draco froze, swallowing harshly and shutting the door behind him.

"Laila, I don't know-"

Laila stood up, turning around and walking toward Draco with a blank expression.

"I love you," She whispered, planting a chaste kiss on his lips before her hands clutched his face and his eyes rolled back.


"He's insane, Lucius. He's no longer alive," A voice whispered.

"He's fine," Lucius answered, his eyes locking on his son.

"You tortured him until he went mad!" Snape hissed at

Draco stared at the ceiling of his room, toying with his fingers and humming softly.

"I had to! He loved that little mudblood!" Lucius defended, narrowing his eyes at Snape.

"The only reason he lashed out is that you killed her in front of him!" 

"Fine, I'll ask him what he wants,"


Before Snape could stop him, Lucius slammed the door and strode over to where Draco lay.


Draco didn't respond. His eyes had a faraway look, and he stared blankly.

"I want to see Laila," Draco whispered in a moment of clarity, finally locking eyes with his father.

Lucius swallowed, clenching his wand and pointing it at Draco.

"I can make you see her,"

Draco smiled, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the mattress, ready to see her at last.

"Lucius! Stop!" Narcissa's voice begged from the other side of the door.

Lucius' hand trembled, he opened his mouth to say the spell, but no words came out.

"Father, please," Draco whispered. A tear fell from the corner of his eye, rolling down his cheek until it stained the white sheets.

Lucius took a deep breath, tightening his grip around the base of his wand and taking a step closer to Draco.

"I'm so sorry, son,"

"Avada Kedavra,"

The green light left his wand and hit Draco square in the chest. A sob came from the other side of the door as Narcissa realized what her husband had done.

Lucius tucked his wand inside his coat, looking down at his lifeless son, a small smile still standing on Draco's lips.

He was no longer a prisoner.

Not to Lucius.

Not to life.

And not to his own head.

Draco Malfoy One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now