Chapter Nine The Day and Night

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A sun shining in a clear blue sky. But it was short-lived, however, as a pegasus maneuvers a gray cloud into view to partially block the light and at the train station Y/n who packed his bags and ready to visit the princess and along with his friends as they were sending him off

Fluttershy: We hope you have a nice trip, Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Fluttershy but if I'm being honest... I'm kind of nervous about this

Rainbow: What?! How can you be nervous at this time like this??

Rarity: I agreed, what's there to be nervous about darlin'. Well other then your poor manners.

Y/n: Rarity please you know that's only for you.

Rarity's eyes roll but give him a hug which he returned

Applejack: Well you better come back and tells us what happened.

Y/n: Don't worry I will.

Pinkie: Well, I really, really, hope you have fun! I'm gonna missed you!

Rainbow: He'll only be gone for a few days

Pinkie: I know!

As they were talking but the train conductors peek out the train

Train Conductors: All aboard! Train for Canterlot leaves in one minute!

Y/n: Well, guess that's my cue. Take care I'll see you in a few days.

As Y/n says goodbye, The Mane Six give him a group hug while they farewell to Y/n, he walks along his stuff in the train and taken a sit in one of the carts. As Y/n peek out the windows and Waves to his friends and they waves back and the train starting moving to Canterlot.

Some time later

Y/n arrived at the Canterlot train station and disembarked soon after. Y/n looks around for a moment before making his way to the castle

As Y/n made his way he noticed the sky is now cover by gray clouds

Y/n: Looks like it's going to rain today.

When Y/n walks up to the gate not before two spears rose up and blocked the entrance

Royal Guard: Halt! State your business or leave immediately.

Y/n quickly levitates a note from Celestia

Y/n: I came here because Celestia invited me.

Y/n give them the note as he and the other guard looks at the note. After a few moments they allow him passed and guiding him around the castle

As Y/n looks around and amazed the painting that were all across the walls along with a lot of windows. As Y/n looked around he noticed that one of the painting look oddly similar to him but can't place his hoof on but not before moving on.

What Y/n looking was a three Alicorn, One having pink mane and tail while the other one a lighter blue mane tail and the final one that has same color as Y/n and behind them what seems to be a clock

Wot.. Wot.. Wot(Mlp x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now