Chapter 7 "The surprise went wrong"

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He was right what he was thinking everyone got out of the way and let him and Isabella dance alone. "Why did all those people get out the way and stop dancing?"
He didn't know what to say so he didn't say anything. They just danced into a circle slowly and happily together.
Before the song ended, he turned her slowly around for the last time and kissed her.
When she looked back at him, she said, "I love you, Jeremy Chambers."
The song ending was also a bad thing for him because right when he was going to say, 'I love you too Isabella' an announcer came on and said, "That is Prince Jeremy Chambers slow dancing with..."
When the announcer didn't say her name, Jeremy looked up the announcer and he could see someone come up to him and whisper something to him.
The announcer nodded and said, "With Isabella Anderson. I am told from his father the king." Everyone had clapped for them.
He turned around to look at Isabella. When he saw her, she was looking at him with such a face you knew she was hurt and betrayed. Her light purple eyes were full of tears. He could tell if she blinked, she would cry.
She sounded like she wanted to cry when she asked, "Please tell me that he is joking?"
He looked at her and sighed. Looking down he told her with a shaking voice, "I cannot."
She looked at him angrily. She set her jaw and asked with tears rolling down her face, "Why not?"
He looked at her and told her with tears rolling down his face saying just above in a whisper, "Because it is the truth. I am Prince Jeremy Chambers."
She looked away crying.

"I was going to tell you." He tells her as tears ran down his face. He stared forward to ask forgiveness but it was too late. She was taking deep breaths and pushed his hands away and ran out of the castle crying.
He ran after her and yelled, "Isabella wait!!"
But when he got outside, he was too late. She was long gone and out of sight.
He decided to run to the house but whenever he reached the house it was locked. He knocked on the door. When she didn't open it, he left his hands on the door and put his head in his arms.
With tears falling to the ground he pleaded, "Isabella, please! Open the door so I can explain everything."
When she didn't open the door or answer, he said one last thing "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner" and he walked away.
When she didn't hear him talking anymore; she opened the door to see if he was there. He was nowhere in sight. She closed the door, locked it, leaned up against it, and started to cry lightly. She slid down the door slowly, sat down on the floor, her knees up to her face, put her arms crossed on them and buried her face in them, and cried her heart out.


Meanwhile back at the castle Jeremy is also crying and walking back and forth in his room. He heard a knock on his door. "I don't want to see or talk to anyone right now, thank you."
He heard it again and kept knocking. He walked up to his door and almost yelled, "I said I don't want to..." but stopped when he found out that it was his mother.
She told him, "Well, you are going to see and talk to me no matter if you want to or not."
He looked at her mad turned back around and continued to walk back and forth. His mother came into his room closed the door quietly and looked sad for him. She grabbed her son's hands and led him back to his bed.
He sat down and his mother said, "Now, tell your mother everything."
He looked at her, took deep breaths, put his head on her shoulder cried, and said, "I lost her mother and I think that it might be forever."
She rubbed his hair and said, "Now Jeremy. I don't think that it's going to be forever."
He got up and walked around looked at his mother mad and sad, and told her with tears still in his eyes, "But I do mother. I went to her house to see if she would let me explain everything to her and..." He paused for a moment.

"And?" His mother asked feeling sorry for him.

"And... the door was locked. I could tell that she was on the other side of the door listening to what I told her, but she wouldn't even budge to open it."
He went back to his bed and sat down next to his mother and put his hands in his face and said hopelessly, "She is mad at me because I couldn't tell her who I was. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to marry her like I had planned to do."
She looked at her son wide-eyed and asked, "Does that mean you were going to ask her soon?"
He wiped the tears from his face and reached into his jacket pocket. Took out a tiny box and opened it and put it on the bed. He nodded and said, "I was planning to ask her after the ball, but now I can't, because she knows that I am the prince and she is going to stay mad at me forever."
She looked at her son sad and asked him, "Well, if you love this girl so much, why don't you marry her no matter what the law says? Whenever you marry her, you become king, and then you can abolish any law including that one. Then there will be any more problems, right?"
He looked at his mother like she was some sort of genius. "Of course, your right mother. Whenever I am king, I can do anything I want including abolishing a stupid law like that one." He hugged his mother tight picked up the tiny box closed it and held it tightly in his hand and said, "Thank you so much, mother. I will propose to her tomorrow morning." He looked unsure of himself and said, "That's if she's at home and still not mad at me anymore."
Like he had remembered something else that was horrible. Something that could stop them from getting married. He slowly put the box back in his jacket pocket and looked at his mother with sad eyes and asked, "But what about father?"
She just looked at him and asked, "What about your father?"
He got up and asked, "What if he doesn't accept us and won't let me marry her because she is a village person?"
His mother just shook her head and patted him on the shoulder and told him, "I will deal with your father."
He looked at her confused and asked, "How are you going to do that?"
She just got up from his bed and headed for his door opened it slightly held it open and said, "I will just have reminded him that he also married a village person long ago with his parents also saying no."
He looked at his mother shocked. She just winked and closed the door. Just as she said she went to her room to talk to her husband about what their son was planning to do.

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