Chapter 5 "The invitation"

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Two months later Jeremy checked the mailbox the next morning while Hannah went to school. He found an invitation addressed to both of them.

There was an invitation and it said, 'You are cordially invited to the Kings and Queens annual black and white ball this Saturday night. The ladies must wear either a full black or white or a black and white dress. For the young gentlemen, they must were black and white tuxes. NO EXCEPTIONS ON BOTH. Thank you.'

While Hannah was at school Jeremy went back to the castle to talk to his parents. When stepped onto the steps he was thinking that his parents were going to send him back; but to his surprise when he got there, they were happy to see him.

His mother told him, "Oh honey, welcome back. We thought something bad had happened to you."

He looked at her confused and kind of surprised.

"Yes, son. You were supposed to be back two months ago." His father told him.

He had forgotten that this was supposed to be a horrible experience for him. He mumbled to himself, "Oh yeah I had forgotten about that."

He shook his head and looked up at his parents and told them, "Mother, Father the reason I came back today is so I can ask you if I could have some money."

Now his parents looked at him with a confused faces.

"What for?" his mother asked.

"Well, because I met this girl named Hannah, in the village you put me in, and we just got this invitation to the annual black and white ball and..."

His father looked at him and asked, "Yes and?"

He just looked at his father like he was crazy and told him, "And father, I'm asking for money because I don't have a black and white tux and..."

His mother laughed lightly and said, "Why yes you do dear. It is here in the castle."

He looked at her and said, "Ok then that takes care of me, but what about Isabella?"

Both of his parents looked at him clueless.

"The girl I told you about I met her in the village you put me in." He told them to get mad.

His father asked, "What about her son?"

He looked at him with an annoyed face and almost yelled, "She doesn't have a plain black or white dress. Do you have an extra one she can use for the ball?"

His mother thought about it and said, "Yes, I think we do have an extra one for her. Why do you ask?"

He looks up at them and said, "Because I am going to take her to the ball... like my girlfriend."

His mother looked at him like she was so happy for him.

His father, on the other hand, had a face that looked like he wouldn't let him.

He asked, "Why are you looking at me like that father?"

Now he looks at his son like he is crazy, "Let me ask you a question son. Have you fallen in love with this girl?"

He thought about it for about a minute or so and said with a huge smile, "Yes father... I have fallen in love with her."

His father gets up from his thrown and storms out of the room into his bedroom and slams the door.

He looked at his mother confused and asked, "What is the matter with father? Was it something I said?"

She looked at her son and nodded, "Yes, it is what you said actually."

He looked at her confused.

She continued and asked him, "Honey, you do know that in this village it is against the law for royalty to marry a village person, right?"

He looked at his mother shocked and asked, "No, I didn't know that. What do I have to do to marry her?"

His mother looked at him sadly and says, "Well, you would have to give up your crown... forever."

He looks at her so sad and says almost in a heartbeat, "Ok then I will. At the ball in front of everyone there."

His mother looked down shocked and sad because of how fast he answered her question.

She looks up at her son and asked, "You don't even want to think about this?"

He shakes his head at his mother and says, "No, mother. I don't need to think about this. I love her with all my heart."

His mother looks down and asks him, "Do you think she is the one? Do you love this girl more than your crown?"

He thought about it and says, "Yes mother. I love her so much that I would give up my crown for her." He paused for a minute then said, "I rather marry her and be poor and happy for the rest of my life, than stay a prince and not happy for the rest of my life."

She just looks at him gets up, goes to the hall closet, and grabs two clothes bags. She handed them to him and tells him, "These bags are your tux and her dress."

He grabbed them happily.

She tells him one last thing before he leaves. "I sure hope you know what you are doing."

He looks at her and says, "I couldn't be surer in my life mother."

She looks down sadly.

He puts the bags down on the floor walks up to his mother and hugs her.

He tells her, "I will always love you no matter what mother. I am going to miss you so much."

He walks out the door and heads toward the house.

945 words

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