Ch 6- A Rescue!

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It took only two days for Colin and Eloise to join forces. They had a plan! To help them get back in Penelopes good graces.

Colin: Are you sure about this Eloise? I mean its a bit odd isn't?

Eloise: That is the point brother! I will invite Penelope out to talk by the fish pond and you just so happen to be fishing there. Boom you fall in fake drowning and Pen will surely show concern and offer to help! Thus proving she is still in love with you! It is a perfect plan!

Colin: Yes well what if she doesn't care if I drown?

Eloise; Well...we will cross that bridge if we come to it! Come now! Eat up you have a busy day of fake drowning hahaha...i do hope you are up for the task brother.    

Colin: Shouldnt' you be the one fake drowning and have your handsome brother  come to  your aid?

Eloise: wake up brother! I know Pen would try to help me in a heart beat! ITs you that we must check...if she tries to help  you then brother that proves she is still in love with you!! Don't you want to know for sure?

Colin nodded his head in  agreement! Let go!


AT the Fishing pond a mile from Bridgertons house.

Penelope had recieved a letter from Eloise asking her to meet her at the fishing pond by the Bridgertons. She thought it quite odd but a it was the first communication she had received from her old friend in almost a month, so  she thought she best go to her.

Eloise was waiting impatiently  AS she saw Penelope walking up she motioned for Colin to take his place on the rock at the Center and pretend like it was a happy coincidence  that he had been fishing. Thankfully Pen had not noticed him out there yet.

Eloise was unsure of what to say now that they were faced to face. The two looked at each other in silence at first. Hi. 

Penelope: Hi.

Eloise..I ...I

Penelope: I...I..

They both giggled at their lack of words. 

Penelope: on three?

Elise laughed then they counted together 1 2 3.

Both: I am sorry!

Eloise Oh Penelope Forgive me for my stupidity. I really was frightful to you and jealous as you said.

Penelope: I am sorry too for keeping this secret from you but I really did see no other way of protecting you! You know the Queen, she is relentless!

Eloise: Yes I am well aware.  Can you forgive me?

Penelope: I can. Will you forgive me?

Eloise: I have long ago. Oh I have missed our conversations Dear Pen!

She reached out and hugged her dear best friend as if it had been weeks. Which in fact it had been.

Penelope wiped a few happy tears from her eye. AT last the void between them had be crossed they were whole again!

Eloise: I am so grateful dear Pen now So will Colin as she looked towards the pond but no sign of him. Eloise felt a moment of panic until she remembered their plan.

Penelope: Colin? Why do you mention him?

Eloise: Why he was fishing today...I thought I saw him just now...where could he be?

Penelope  looked out over the pond as if to scan it but as there was no sign she thought Eloise was just imaging things. I see no one. Come lets go for tea.

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