Ch-2 Am I Forgiven?

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Colin had been riding for an hour or so and was on the way back to his house when he noticed what looked to be a Featherington coach. How odd that it be in this part of the town. Colin had ducked though the woods and was heading home by a back way but sure enough it was the Featherington Coach. Curious he rode slowly to see who would emerged from it. Probably Mrs. Featherington or her daughters with their maid. A young lady did emerge but with no Lady's maid. And Colin thought he imagined it at first but when he saw the red curled emerge from behind a blue silk hood. No...Was that Penelope? and with no escort. What in Gods earth was she doing here and alone no less!

He was about to call out to her when something within him told him to hold back. Curiosity I suppose got the better of him and he dismounted his horse and quietly spied on her from a safe distance. He followed Pen around the dark street market. This was hardly the pose shops one would find a lady of status to be buying her things But Colin had to admit he was intrigued to see what she was doing here and Why when she was so obviously trying to hide her appeareance from the sellers. 

When Colin walked up to one of the stalls he pretended to be interested in some handkerchiefs and listened. Pen appeared to be buying some quills and ordinary But the way she was buying them surpised Colin once again.

Vender: That'll be ten pounds lass.

Pen: Please...I think not here's a fiver and you will throw in two quills for good measure!

Vender: Why would I do that?

Pen: Because we both know the quality of the ink is less than par from last year and to oblige me never to darken your stall again, have at it and be done with me then!

Vendor nodded his head in agreement: very good miss! Thanks!

Pen: Thank you! Good Day! As Pen put the ink and quills in her small bag she continued on.

Colin was in aww and shock! Was this sweet little Penelope! Walking about free as could be. Bartering with the different venders as if it were the most natural thing in the world for a lady to do. As he kept  a distance and a watchful eye Pen kept surprising him. Another time a Pick pocketed had tried to snatch her money pouch at her hip. And Colin was about to come to the rescue but to his horror and Amazement Pen grabbed the youths hand before he could escape.

Pen: Now then! Does that belong to you? 

Pickpocketer looking very scared and contrite. Penelope took the pouch and handed the young boy three pounds. Do be more careful! not all walkers by are as forgiving as I! Off with you now! Just like a rabbit the youth was gone out of sight

Penelope put her money pouch into her closer pocket and seemed to finish her shopping and was heading back to the coach. AS she was heading back she spotted Colin Bridgerton on her left! Oh Hell! What the heck was he doing in Cheep side? In a frenzy not to be noticed she tried to scurry past.

Colin: Pennn. Wait

Penelope covered her face even more to keep it concealed then pushed past Colin as quick as should could knocking him into a stall near by. Things fell everywhere and in the commotion she was able to hop into her coach and cleverly escape unnoticed! At least she hoped so! 

As her coach was heading back to her house she felt a thrill of excitement. Ha she had escaped unnoticed...well she hoped unnoticed! But wait why was she hiding from the Bridgerton any way? Its not like it had anything to do with Colin or anyone from their household. Oh dear! What a day! Pen rode home thinking on how foolish she had been but all was done. 

AS Colin gained his feet wiping off this jacket and fixing his clothes. Did that just happen? Miss Penelope Featherington had given him the slip quite literally! That little sprite! He would pay her back for this when he met her next. But in considering things he had to laugh! She had been quite cleaver this day and very crafty in her escape! Colin loved Pens interesting conversations and now he saw a whole new side that he rarely got to  see! Mounting his horse to leave the lad from before came up to him as if to speak.

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