Learning of the Truth

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(I want to thank you all for your patience for this chapter and for your support and as a special treat for you all this will be a long chapter so I hope you all enjoy this now let's get back into this story)

(3rd P.O.V)

We now see Izuku too terrified to respond as he is getting irritated at him for no response as he's about to say something when he's paused as the other man says "Wait Father this boy is injured."

As Izuku saw the more kind man kneel down and say "helbrede."

As suddenly Izuku felt healed and before he could say thank you the ash Skinned man roughly asked "Keep your thanks Boy now tell us who you are and how you got here?"

Izuku then gulped down the cup of water the other man gave him as he gathered his courage as he answered saying "My Name is Izuku and I got here by listening to this soft and comforting voice that felt so familiar to me but yet not."

Ash skinned colored man's eyes then narrowed as he said "I see then you answered our questions for that I shall tell you my name is Kratos."

The other man then said "My name is Atreus and that head there is known as Mimir."

We now see that as Izuku immediately passes out seeing the talking head and that as the next day rolls around we see him wake up and we see Atreus leaning against a post as he says "Hey Izuku I was able to talk Father into allowing for you to prove yourself by pulling your weight and this means learning to use weapons and fighting then in two years you will be going on a hunt with him to truly prove that you belong here."

Izuku with gratitude and appreciation says "Thank you Atreus."

(Izuku P.O.V)

During the next two years I was trained in how to use a Bow which I Mastered within the first year and I would also do various things that felt like a waste of time but would come to realize that Kratos would spread the things he wanted me to grab in hard to see places to train me in scouting and observation of my surroundings according to Kratos the reason why I am being trained to handle myself is so that I'm better prepared for hunting which at this point in time had no clue what he was referring to that would be dangerous but I better get going today is the day of my hunt and I must prove myself.

(3rd P.O.V)

We now see that Kratos is outside as he calls out "Boy!, Boy."

Izuku then finishes his food then grabs his bow and quiver and says "I'm coming."

Izuku then with Curiosity asks "So where are we going sir?"

Kratos then with a blank serious face says "In the direction of deer this is your hunt so you tell me,  do not forget this is your test."

Izuku nodded his head slowly and then began to lead the way as Mimir then asked "Brother are you sure that the boy is ready for this?"

Kratos then after a moment watching Izuku a decent amount ahead says "He is but that's what worries me he is much more mature than Atreus was at his age but also is as serious as the other kids were within Sparta in my youth, but still manages to smile."

Suddenly Kratos turns serious as he out of the corner of his eye notices Izuku shooting the deer through the heart and as Izuku looks at him Kratos quickly grabs his axe as he says "Boy you must run from here now."

Before Izuku could question him Suddenly multiple things appeared from the ground and 4 trolls as Mimir says "Oh no Izuku Lad run now!"

Izuku then decides to listen as he makes a run for it and as he runs as fast as he can a couple stray Draugr's manage to chase after him and as one of them reaches forward it makes the ground underneath crumble and cave in as he lets out a shocked yelp of "Ahh!."

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