Itachi and Naruto shook on it. He left with Kisame and Itachi to put their plan into motion.

End of flashback

Naruto took a sip of his sake. The plan had succeeded, but when they tried to kill Madara, he managed to escape. Madara had run to the Hidden Sound Village that was controlled by Orochimaru. They tried to find him within the village, but were unable to locate him.

The Akatsuki, since Madara was unable to control Pein any longer. They were mercenaries for hire now. Much like they were when they first started. They didn't look for the tailed beasts any longer, as that was never their goal in the first place. The group did help out people for free from time to time, but not very often.

Naruto was grateful to this group because Itachi and Kisame had kept their word. The two trained Naruto and taught him everything they knew. They admitted him into their group, but he didn't wear the same cloak as they did. He hated those red clouds. He just wore a plain black cloak. Naruto carried two Ninjato that he used often. His swords were concealed under his cloak so you wouldn't know that he had them until he went to use them.

Naruto had done quite a few things he wasn't too proud of while with this group, but it was just a job. He was an expert assassin now, but he didn't really like doing that sort of job.

Naruto took another sip of his sake. His mind switched to events that are more recent. Like the fact that Orochimaru and Madara had somehow aligned themselves with The Land of Earth and The Land of Lightning. Their overall scheme was probably the destruction of The Village Hidden in the Leaves, Naruto's former village.

He really didn't care, but the Pein cared, and had planned to form an alliance with the Leaf Village and their allies. Naruto hated this plan. He never wanted to return to that place, but it seemed like this was just one of those times he didn't have a choice in the matter.

He thought about the argument he had with Pein over the issue a couple of days back.


"You've got to be kidding! I'd rather see that place burn!" Naruto yelled.

"I understand your feelings, Naruto, but we can't allow Madara to have his way any longer. This must be done, even if you dislike the prospect."

"Dislike is not a harsh enough word to describe how I feel about it, Yahiko."

"Naruto, I need your help on this one. I need people who once lived there to do the negotiations. We will be helping Konoha and their allies from now on, and that's the final verdict. Do you think Sasori wants to deal with his past in the Sand village? I doubt Kisame wishes to deal with his problems in Kiri either. I've already sent word to their Hokage that we will be coming in two days, but I did not say you were among our ranks. I felt that was something you should tell them, since they don't know."

"Fine, I'll do it." Naruto began to walk out but suddenly stopped and looked back at Yahiko. "But this is your only favor, Yahiko." Naruto walked out of the room.

Yahiko knew the story of Naruto's life in the Leaf Village. He felt bad for him. Yahiko never really felt bad for anyone, but he did feel bad for Naruto. He wouldn't want to return either, if he were Naruto.

End of Flashback

Naruto sighed. He had been drinking sake all day since he got the news he'd be returning to the place where it all started for him today. He looked at the seven bottles that he already drank. He reached out for another, when someone stopped him.

"Naruto, drinking won't help. At least, not for long," Itachi stated.

"I know," he muttered.

"You know today is the day we will be returning to the leaf village," Itachi said as he sat down on the opposite side of the table from Naruto.

"Yeah, I know. I just planned on never returning to that place."

"Yes, well, life hardly ever works out how we plan it, Naruto."

"Ain't that the truth," Naruto said as he grabbed the last bottle of sake. "Why don't you have a drink with me?" Naruto asked, shaking the bottle slightly.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt." Itachi held out a drinking dish for Naruto to pour some sake in.

"Did you ever think you would go back to the village, Itachi?"

"No. I never thought a day would come where I would go back to defend that place."

Itachi hadn't seen Naruto this depressed since he asked him what happened for him to leave the village. He hadn't had a stellar departure from the village either, but it seemed Naruto's was a lot harder on him.

"Well, at least once your little secret is out you will be welcomed back with open arms. While I will still be hated as the demon brat no matter what I do," Naruto said sadly, as he looked at what remained of the sake in the clay bottle.

He quickly chugged the remains of the bottle. Naruto reached into his coat and took out his old forehead protector that had a slash across it. He slowly put it on his head. He never had planned to wear it ever again, but he thought it would be appropriate to wear it now.

End prologue

Hope you enjoyed please take the time to review :)

Thank you to all those who leave reviews as I do take the time to read them all and I thoroughly enjoy reading what you the readers have to say. :)

Thanks go to Kingkakashi for his invaluable assistance. This prologue and chapter one (which is almost done) wouldn't even be half as good with out his help.

So do check out Kingkakashi's story Naruto vs Sasuke The Aftermath. To be honest it is one of the best stories I've read on this site. :) Also thanks go to Kingkakashi for the summary he came up with for this story.

Thanks go to my Beta who came up with the title of this story.

And be sure to check out my other stories Jiraiya's last student The Demon King and The Animal I've Become

I know new story I really should just focus on my current ones. This is just one of several story's that are on my hard drive that I never thought I would post.

No Naruto is not a drunk or anything if that's what some of you are thinking.

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