You need to sleep ☁️🖤

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Ship - Kawanishi x Shirabu



Shirabu was sat at his desk with a dim lamp as his only source of light, studying. Yes, he was tired but he forced himself awake, he had a test tomorrow and there was no way he he could fail!

He kept on scribbling notes in his excercise book and reading lines and lines of literature that began to jumble with the lack of sleep. He's studied late before there's no way this is any different.

Tachi grumbled as he sat up, waking up in the the middle of the night his one of the things he hates most. But he woke up and a light was on making it 10x worse. Confused, he looked over at his boyfriend sat at the desk then at the digital clock in their room.

'Ugh, why is this idiot still awake', the middle blocker thought giving the other an unimpressed look even if he couldn't see it.

He let out yet another grumble. Taichi called out for the copper-haired boy.


The other hummed in response. "Why are you still awake, I thought you had a test tomorrow?"

Shirabu hummed again, "Yea I do."

"Then you need to sleep", Taichi was going to make him sleep even if that meant having to stay awake for a while. He's sick of his boyfriend not taking care of himself and staying up so late studying until he falls asleep at the desk at 5 in the morning, which was not long before they had to get up anyways.

Shirabu ignored him and continued writing notes. The middle blocker got up and went over to the younger. He took the literature book Shirabu was reading from him, "Hey! What are you doing!? Give it back!"

Shirabu put his pen down, and shot Kawanishi a harsh glare. "No. You need to sleep." Kawanishi tried to sound stern even though his voice mostly sounded tired.

"No. I need to study." The setter replied almost sounding as if he was mocking Taichi.

Tachi was starting to get fed up with his boyfriend's stubbornness. He put the book back on the desk, turned the lamp off and lifted the other from the chair to his bed.

"Taichi, you idiot, put me down!"

He ignored Shirabu's protests and got into bed with him, wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist keeping him from escaping.

Shirabu only let out a small huff, giving in and cuddling into his giant of a boyfriend. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, studying all night is very tiring. Taichi followed him soon after, when he was certain the other was sleeping.


And thats my first chapter!
I hope you liked it even though it's pretty short.🤞
I'll try make some longer ones in the future

♡︎ 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚞 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘𝚞 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now