chapter #21: injuries

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"so Dr. brown what are the extent of Spence's injuries??" JJ Asked. "he has a severe concussion, a broken nose, a busted up lip, bruised and cracked ribs and just other bumps and bruises from the car accident."  "oh he gonna be ok??" JJ Asked really concerned. "i guess we shall see if he has any brain damage whenever he wakes up." JJ Bit her lip trying to hold back tears. "what about hotch??" Rossi asked. "he was just extremely exhausted, dehydrated and very very hungry almost starved. he is also in shock and probably has trauma from what happend. we also had to give him a light sedative because he was screaming about his friend." "boyfriend." JJ And Rossi corrected at the same time.

"does he have any injuries from being held captive that weren't from the car accident?" JJ Asked.

"we are not able to determine that at the moment." dr. brown replied.

"ok..."JJ Replied sighing

a few days later, Spencer was slowly but surely showing sign of possibly waking  up. the 1st sign was that he was choking on his breathing tube so the doctor experimented to see if he chold breathe by himself, thankfully he chold! the team was so so so so happy and relived, although Derek was mostly just waiting and wanting Brett to be arrested. someone had to get info from his mom...David had already talked to her but the team needed an address. perhaps they chold question Reid or hotch later...

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