chapter #20: bertha

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"hello Mrs. Damaris thank you for coming." David said whenever she arrived. "oh no problem dearie. I am not surprised that Brett is in trouble." "why do you say that?" "well he was always getting into trouble at school." "what kind of trouble??" "arguing wit teachers, acting up in class, getting in fights wit other kids and just being a bully. just stuff like that. but, hmm I figured he whold have grown out of all that by now. maybe it is all my fault..." "why are you blaming yourself ma'am??" rossi asked. "well...I raised Brett to never be liberal minded. I am a strict Christian and firmly believe in the bible so I raised him to follow the 10 commandments and told him to frown on homosexuals and trans people or whatever they are called. people who smoke weed and have abortions. I am so sorry this is all my fault. maybe I should change my opinions sense it is 2022." "i do not necessarily believe it is your fault ma'am. but we need to find where Brett is before he hurts anyone else-" "what did he do exactly?!" "well he injured 2 of our agents and 1 I in critical condition." "oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I-i am so so sorry..." "ma'am I accept your apology but we need to focus on Brett rate now ok??" "ok..." "he was not at his house whenever we went there. is there anywhere else he whold go?? somewhere he really likes it hangs out at often??" "well there is this 1 lake where he liked to go fishing." "where is this lake exactly??" "8 Miles past from where you are. you cannot miss it. it is in the country hidden by some trees but there is a wall that runs along the side. something like out of a Robert frost pœm." "thanx ma'am. you are free to go now." Bertha nodded exiting. David called Derek "what's up rossi??" "how are hotch and the kid??" "holding steady but pretty boy is not out of the woods yet." "alr well I talked to Bertha and Brett gotten into trouble a lot as a kid. she raised him strict and to hate certain people." "what the fuck kind of mother does that??" Derek asked angry. "and old fashioned 1." David said sighing. "she said we might be able to fnd him at a lake about  miles from here. he used to fish there." "copy that. i will go wit prentiss and jayj can stay wit pretty boy and hotch. you shold see them too." "are they awake?" "hotch is but but he is ind out of it and really upset." "alr well i am on my way." "i will be on m way too to et this so of a bitch!!" "morgan??" "yeah??" "i know you are angry but please try to keep your cool." Derek sighed hanging up.

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