30 ~ Love in Library

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Rehman Bhaijaan said and I blushed a little with his name.

I nodded and moved my mother and then everyone especially Nandani. She was also all set to depart for her Kingdom and hugged me tightly. Tears rolled down from both of our cheeks as we remembered the beautiful time we spent.

"You should go now. It's getting late,"

She muttered slowly and I nodded.

Finally, I sat in my palanquin and the huge convoy started to move. My twin brother Haider joined me as Abbu Jaan asked him to take me safely there.

The convoy was fourth time bigger than the size it came here. As my father wished me bye with uncountable gifts.

We started our journey and the whole day passed in just moving.

We just stopped once in between for the lunch and started our journey again.

Finally, at the last night we reached to the Sultanate and the sounds of trumpets blew with my arrival.

The huge iron gate pushed by ten soldiers to open wide for the convoy to enter.

My palanquin stopped and I moved my feet outside to put my steps down.

My attendees joined me immediately as I stepped down my palanquin and looked at the entrance.

My sight fell on Adeena and Saeed. Beside them was Nagina and the translator.

My eyes unknowingly scanned Sultan which was not here.

"Bhabhi Jaan,"

Adeena screamed with joy looking at me and came closer to hug me tightly.

I wished her the greetings and she wished me back.

"Welcome back, Bhabhijaan,"

Saeed says and I smiled looking at him.

I looked at Adeena and tried to ask where his brother was.

She made a sad face and replied.

"He had to go somewhere urgently. But, don't worry he will be back in one or two weeks,"

The mention of one or two alone made my heart feel sick already.

Why did he call me if he wanted to go?


Adeena said and I nodded.

I entered my home and walked to my chamber.

But, in middle of the gallery Adeena spoke suddenly.

"Bhabhijaan, do you love reading books?"

I looked at her and nodded.

"Really? You know just today our trader brought us the new published books,"

I wowed at the new information and she asked all of sudden.

"Do you want to see?"

I looked at her and nodded. Why would I say no to new books.

"Great, come with me,"

Now, since Sultan wasn't in the Sultanate as I might have gotten late to meet him. I must pick some titles and enjoy my life.

I joined Adeena as we changed our way to another part of the palace. She made me walk through the garden and then the gallery.

My sight fell on the big door. Outside of which two soldiers were standing.

"Bhabhijaan, this is our library,"

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant