chapter forty six: kiss me

Comincia dall'inizio

The drive back to my dorm was short. As we got to my room I immediately guided her to the bedroom. I gave her a change of clothes before I went into the kitchen.

Coming back she had already changed and I set down two pills and a cup of water by her side. Not caring anymore I strip down in front of her and change into my pajamas.

Harshly flinging myself onto my bed I just wanted to forget this night ever happened. My angered manner seems to gain her attention because she starts asking questions I don't feel like answering.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." I shot back at her.

"What'd he do?" she pries.

"What'd who do?" I ask coming off dumbly.

"Hunter." she slurs.

"Why do you think I'm mad because of Hunter?" I say his name like it's a bad taste in my mouth.

I hear her roll over and her eyes lock to mine. "Because he's the only one to get you so frustrated sometimes. And you two disappeared for a good five minutes earlier."

Wow. With how drunk she was I was surprised she even noticed that.

"So what'd he do?" she asks again.

I give her silence as an answer. But it's like she's some sort of mind reader because she said exactly why I'm upset.

"Did he kiss you?"


"He kissed you didn't he?" she pushes.

My eyes drop down to her pillow. "No. He didn't. He's just a dick." I say, the words coming off a little harsh.

"Was the dick move dicky enough to call him a dick?" she yawns.

My face contorts in confusion. What?

"Well if I'm calling him a dick then obviously the dick move was dicky enough for me to call him a dick." I explain, hoping I made even the slightest bit of sense.

She hums at my response, but that's all I get. When the room goes silent I look back to her and notice her eyes are shut. Yep she's definitely out.

Sighing, I roll over and try to get some sleep.

But that's almost impossible as my mind shifts to the moment Hunter stuck his tongue down my throat.



I must be crazy. Like, literally I must've gone insane. How the hell have I despised parties for as long as I've been out of highschool, yet I find myself at another one later the next day.

I don't know how the girls roped me into it even though they were the drunk ones. It doesn't make any sense.

"You guys go ahead. I have to re-zip my boot." I roll my eyes.

They give me nods before walking up to the door. I bend down and try to fix the zipper on my boot. But the thing won't budge.

When I finally get the zipper unstuck, I stand up only to meet someone I don't feel like seeing. I look into his blue eyes, so dark they seem colorless.

Cowering away from him, I walk in the opposite direction. Heading into the house I find the girls over by the couch.

There were a lot of people here for a Monday night. A few faces I recognized from classes, but the others not so much.

I spent a few minutes with them on the couch. Talking amongst ourselves the guys show up, excluding Hunter, and blend right into the conversation.

We were debating whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Of course many of us agreed that it doesn't but the runts of the group, a.k.a the lunatic cousins, have other opinions.

Thin Ice ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora