Texty plans sodapack's wedding

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No one's POV

Liam was banging his head on the keyboard like a goddang lunatic trying to figure out the pensil-coverd blue note that is somehow important while Texty is getting upset from Liam going mad on them. Texty uses the power of Fre1nDsHiP to launch Liam into Bryce. Liam and bryce, noticing their position start to make out. Texty, who had planned this from the start, started to search for the perfect wedding dress for Liam to wear.

Liam gets off of Bryce while helping him off the floor. They both look at Texty "Texty, were going to git marred" byrce said, kissing Liam on the cheek.

Suddenly, they all get teleported to a church by stone and Liam puts on a gamer wedding dress and Bryce buys on a hot pink tuxedo. Everyone from the plane including airy gets teleported to the wedding, everyone enjoys a nice glass of pink sauce and then Bryce and Liam stand next to each other, stone who happen to be a priest, married Bryce and Liam. Bryce and Liam kissed each other while Texty picked up a minigun and shot down Airy in vengeance.

Uhh, just a little update to make y'all unbored, I swear the next chapter will be better, It might be awhile until I update with another chapter :)

222 words :)

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