"He erased his quirk?" you questioned yourself as you were observing the man "Wait that's-"

"The Erasure Hero, Eraser Head!" Deku said.

"Eraser? I don't know him"

"I've heard of him before. He's an underground hero"

The students were talking about the hero, while you were busy thinking about

"From what I can tell," the hero was looking at the boy with a scary expression on his face. Well, now you know who to not piss off "you can't control your quirk, can you?" When you were talking with Izuku about his quirk he mentioned something to similar to what Eraser said "Do you intent to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?"

Well, that hit back home.

You would always protect him whenever Mr. I'm the best of the best would bully him. Maybe you should've let him deal with Bakugo on his own.

"Th-That's not my intention- "

The hero wrapped the cloth of his scarf around him and brought him close enough "Whatever your intention, I'm saying what people around you will be forced to do"

At that moment...you and Midoriya made eye contact. As if both of you were thinking the same thing. Maybe you were. You looked at the ground, not baring to face him longer.

"I'm guessing there is someone behind me who has already done that in the past?" the boy, as well as you looking back at the teacher, still holding on to him "Maybe the same person who was trying to give you comfort a while ago?"

"No, she just- "

"In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people by himself and created a legend" you guessed he was talking about All Might "Even if you have the same reckless valor, you'll just be decked and turn into a useless doll after saving one person"

You get what he was trying to say. But-

"Izuku Midoriya. With your power, you can't become a hero"

But that was not the right thing to say to him...You knew better. Normally, those words would've hurt him really bad, but instead of the tears you were waiting to fall from his eyes, you saw something you haven't seen in him.



And everything in between.

His stare went down as Aizawa released him and deactivated his quirk. You were a little shocked, actually.

"I've returned your quirk. You have two turns for the ball throw" he started walking away "Hurry up and get it over with"

"It looks like he received some advice" Iida was trying to figure out what Aizawa told him, as if it was not heard.

"Probably just telling him he's expelled" Bakugo too. They didn't hear their conversation? But it was loud enough for you. Well, you have time to think about this later. Izuku had two more tries.

You could hear his mumbling clearly "What should I do? Which should I choose?"

His face took different types of expressions, until it was settled to a gritty one. He positioned himself, and threw the ball into the air yelling a 'smash'. Everyone was stunned by the power of his throw. You noticed his finger being all bruised and damaged. So, he really couldn't control it without it hurting him, huh?

He got...705.3 meters?

That was above you and Bakugo...

Shock was all over your face but it quickly changed into pridefulness.

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