Chapter 2:A Mistake

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(Ave's pov)day

It felt like hours since we have been on the road. " long has it been?" I whine. My sister looked at the time. "Twenty three minutes, wanna listen to some music?" She says. I shook my head, I just wanted to zone out everything. Then out of nowhere I had to use the bathroom. "Hey stop the car, I have to pee." I say quickly. Emelia pulled over towards the woods a little bit, and stopped.

I got out and ran towards the woods, yes I found a little private spot to use the bathroom. When I was done my sister came over towards me. "Would you believe I couldn't find you until now." She says embarrassed. I just shrugged my shoulders. We were walking back towards the car, when something caught my eye. I stopped and ran towards it. I heard my sister calling my name as she chased after me. Then I stopped and looked at the object that caught my attention...a portal.

I was confused and amazed at the same time. I actually found a portal!! Well I think it was a portal. My sister had caught up with me, she was breathing like a retarded dragon. " run" She said out of breath. Then she looked ahead of me and stared at the portal. "What the hell is that?" She asked loudly. "I guessed it was a portal,your the smart one you should know." I say calmly. All we could do was stare at that thing, then I started walking towards it. Emelia grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing that thing could be dangerous?!?! She yells at me. "Fine, but I want to take some pictures of it." I tell her. I pulled my camera out of my backpack, and took a few pictures of the portal. "This is crazy." I say amazed. "Okay, can we please go now?" Emelia says. I sighed and put my camera back in my backpack. We started walking back to the car, then it felt like we were getting pulled back by something.

And before we knew it, we were falling into the portal. I never let go of my sister's hand during that time. Then we finally stopped and fell on a pile of hay. "Ow." I mumble. Somehow I fell hard on my butt, while Emelia fell softly on her back. "W..where are we?" Emelia says frightened. To be the smart one, my sister was acting like an idiot. "Dude we are in another dimension, stop acting so freaking stupid, c'mon let's explore this place." I say annoyed. So me and Emelia started walking around this place, it was actually pretty here.


The two sisters walked for a great time, but had stopped for a little break. In the same woods contain a male with great power and a few of his warriors, who have completed a high amount of training.

(Talon's pov)

Thank the gods me and my men have finished training. It helps our strength, but devours our energy. One of my closest companions and strongest warrior came up to me. "So my Prince,will we train as hard tomorrow,as we did today?" Olk asks. I nodded my head. "Tell the guards to get ready to go towards home,I need to clear my head of a few things." I tell him. Olk nodded his head and proceeded towards the guards.

I sat under a tree thinking about the current events. I will become King soon, an extraordinary, but unexpected honor to have. When I was about to stand up and go to the camp ground, I heard the voice of a female, then the voice of another. I'm not sure why but I followed the voices, when I found the first female voice, I decided to hide so she wouldn't know my location.

The first female had pulled some strange contraption out of her satchel, odd looking satchel. Then the second female came from behind a tree, that moment I knew that girl would be my bride. Her long, shiny hair blowing through the cool breeze, her beautiful hazel eyes,the dress she was wearing fit her body and her curves perfectly. I was going to have her. I was about to go over to her, then my younger brother, Malin grabbed me.

"May I ask what you are doing brother?" He asks. He talked low so only I could hear. "That girl over there,I want her." I tell him. He looked towards where I was looking. "The one in the yellow, she looks young,maybe only fourteen summers." He says. "I do not care for her age, I want her, and I'm going to have her." I snap. My brother sighed. "We can retrieve her in a few hours when the warriors are well rested, I will tell the guards of her appearance so they will know what their target looks like." He explains. We both got up and silently walked away. I looked back at my prize, soon you will be mine.

(Amelia's pov)evening

Me and Ave have been walking for awhile now. Which is weird because my feet haven't started hurting yet. "Hey what's that up ahead." I ask. "It's a village stop being slow." Ave says annoyed. I wasn't being slow I just didn't know what it was. Me and Ave walked in through the gates,it looked like a village you would see in a Disney movie.

I saw little kids running around the fountain, it was pretty big. I thought one of them was gonna fall in it. There were also little markets everywhere. Looked like food, clothes, and other stuff was being bought and sold."So where should we go first?" Ave asks. I wasn't even sure. "Maybe we could go somewhere similar to a hotel or something." I reply. My sister started walking so I followed along with her.

We found an inn, but this place is medieval like, so the beds were a little uncomfortable. "How long do you think we will be here?" I ask. Ave just shrugged her shoulders. she probably expected me to know all the answers. Then we heard a scream,that surprised the both of us.

We both got up and ran towards the window, what we saw was a massacre. There were people running out of burning houses, these big guys were stabbing men through their chests, and children wandering the streets looking for their parents. I couldn't look at what was happening any longer. I jumped down from the window and started to cry.

(Ave's pov)

Wow, what I am seeing is messed up. How could they do that to those people. I didn't even realize my sister had started crying,I got down from the window to comfort her. "Don't worry it's gonna be okay." I say softly. We had to get out of here, so I grabbed my sister's hand and started running out of the inn.

I decided to hide in the rubble of one of the houses. I'm pretty sure nobody would check here,so me and Emelia hid under a broken roof. Luckily we could see out of it. What was weird is that they were gathering what looked like all of the girls in one spot,they had fear in their eyes. Then I saw all the guards lined up near the women,there was a horse coming and there was a person on it. They got off the horse and took off their cloak,it was a guy,except he was like this lizard-dragon-human hybrid creature.

I heard him yell something but it was hard to make out what it was. He was looking around, staring at all those girls. I'm guessing he was looking for someone maybe. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt large hands grab me. I tried to scream but they covered my mouth with their hand. The other guard done the same to Emelia, they started dragging us to where the girls were, one of the guards said something. "Your highness we have the girl."

Wait...what? The dragon dude walked over here towards me. The guard stood me back on my feet. The dragon dude stopped in front of me. He looked like something Goku would have to fight in DBZ, or a card in someone's deck Yugi would duel in YuGiOh. I was already afraid of the way he looked, so I turned the other way. It kinda sucked because I was staring at a wall. He turned my face towards him, he had like a good 4 inches on me, so I looked all the way up. He stroked my face, I flinched at his touch.

I'm guessing he looked at the guard because he let me go, thank goodness, he had a tight grip on me. Dragon dude grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his horse. I yelled, hit, kicked at him, but he wouldn't let go. Then I scratched his neck and he let me go. I ran back towards my sister. I've never held her tighter in my life. But that didn't last very long, dragon dude threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back but that didn't work. He put me on the horse, and got directly behind me.

He wrapped one arm around me and grabbed the rope to start the horse with the other. I was afraid. Why was this freak kidnapping me. What did I ever do to him? I looked back I saw my sister getting pushed into some cage,but it was made like a carriage. "Emelia." I say. All I could do was whisper her name. I'm guessing dragon dude heard me. "She will be fine my love,I promise." He says lovingly. I felt him nibble on my ear,it hurt a lot because he had fangs, instead of actual teeth. All I could do was sit there and feel the wind blowing in my face as the horses hooves hit the ground.

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