White Noise

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Lemmings' grip became more harsh, I was pretty certain her nails had begun to draw blood. I some how ignored the pain though, closing my eyes and wished for it all to go away. I even thought praying may give me a tiny thread of hope, perhaps, but I knew it wouldn't work. The false hope was proven as I heard the sound of Daniels pulling the trigger of his gun.


My life could of ended.

However, my body was in the same state as it was seconds before. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I stupidly forgot that the friend of Emily, dressed as a police officer may have more than one bullet.


This wasn't the only sound this time. Shortly following the sound of the bullet shooting from it's lethal weapon was the even more drastic effect.

My heart felt like it stopped, although it wasn't me who had fallen to the floor. Lemmings' body lay across my feet and all I could do was watch, because I was hopeless, because the damage had already been done.

I didn't hear the next shot though, and I feel it would of benefited my health, because this fall to the floor almost did stop my heart. My scream was louder and my movements were quicker, and before she could hit the floor, I caught her in my arms, the safest place she could be when in our situation. I didn't care that endless tears were streaming and staining my cheeks, I didn't care that each heartfelt sob just released more pain. I cradled her in my arms. My

beautiful Hannah.

She lifted her hand and placed it on my cheek, rubbing away a few tears with her thumb. She smiled as tears fell from her eyes. I let out another sob and pulled her to my chest. I screamed out countless times. But no help came, I heard no ambulance, no miracle. She was dying in my arms. She was losing fight.

"Oliver?" Josh's whisper came from beside me. "It's going to be okay, I promise".

His words were lies. "No, Josh it isn't, not when either of those-" I tried to find a word to describe both Emily and Daniels, but no word in the English language could describe such creatures. I shook my head, forgetting about whar despicable word I could concur up. "Nothing is going to be okay, not if they're still breathing!"

I passed Hannah's fragile body over into Josh's arms and tried to stand strong. "You'll fucking pay for this!" I screamed, charging towards the two, thankfully and weirdly Daniels didn't shoot. I lunged forward, clutching my hands around Daniels' neck. His arms flailing, he gasped for breath, but I didn't grant him such luxury. I pushed him to the floor with such little force, climbing on top of his shaking body. Lifting up his head with my hands still gripped tightly around his neck and pounded into the floor.

And then it became a blur; I lost count of how many times a banged his head against my living room floor, every voice in the room that was screaming at me to stop became white noise. I didn't give one single care about this heartless man, he deserved as much pain he was receiving from me, and more.

I only stopped and processed my brutality when I felt a warm trickle of liquid run from my nose. I looked at the pair of hands that were acting as a noose around the man's neck, my hands. Out stretching my fingers, I released him from my tortuous grip, to find that he was dead, I had killed him!

I slowly climbed off of Daniels body, and brought two fingers to my nose, my blood covered my fingertips. I stared down at the body, all around me complete silence. Deafening silence. Deadly silence. Deadly. Dead. Dead. Dead.

My eyes wandered to the little thing still in the warm grip of Daniels, the gun. Without thought, I reached down and pulled it from between his fingers.

"I could kill you right now!" I stated loudly. "Oh and I would enjoy it" I laughed. I had no clue to why I was laughing though, two dead and one dying body, laid in my living room, and the body that was dying was my soon to be wife. But the thought of Emily's body lying dead with the rest of them, just made me feel a sense of happiness.

"I don't doubt, darling." Emily strode over to me from standing over Hannah's body. "Oh and all the wondrous things you would do to me." She whispered. "But you wouldn't dare, not nearly after you have committed such crime already. Do you even realize what you have done? Look at him." I refused, keeping my gaze strictly on Emily's. "I said, look at him!" She roared, she gripped her long, red painted fingernails into my jaw and forced me to look at my mistake. "He had a family, Oliver. If I remember correctly, a wife, a daughter of just four, a mother, a father, the list goes on. But you, you killed him. He will never see his little princess grow up, he'll never get to find out whether his wife was pregnant with their second child. Imagine all their endless days and sleepless nights, all filled with the sound of his family weeping, and it's all your fault." She let go off my jaw, but my eyes didn't look back into hers, they carried on looking into Daniels'. Daniels' lifeless eyes.

"You know Oliver, we're more alike than I originally thought-"

"We are nothing alike!" I screamed. And that was when I dropped the gun, dropping the chance of killing her also. She giggled, and skipped over to where the gun lay and where I now had fallen to my knees.

"Goodnight my sweet killer." Emily whispered in my ear as she picked up the gun.

Then I heard the sirens, coming from in the distance, but Emily had already made her escape.


Title: White Noise by PVRIS

Hope you liked it guys.

Dedicated to Eliseandherbands

Song on the side...LOVE THUS THIS TUNE!!!!

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