ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩: 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕤

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"Damon must have gotten to her. She's new. She hasn't completed her transformation yet." Elena looks at Stefan "H-how does she do that?" Aurelia looks at her sister "well I'd guess that she has to drink human blood to do that" Stefan nods at the younger Gilbert sister "That's right she has to feed on human blood."

"And what if she doesn't?"

Stefan looks at her sadly "She'll die. She may only have a few hours." Elena looks at Stefan wide-eyed "She's upstairs with him right now." Aurelia rolls her eyes at her sister.

"It's ok. She doesn't know what's happening to her yet." Stefan reassures the doppelganger. "So when is she gonna know?" Stefan looks at her again "Right now, she doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human, but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back, and then she'll know she has to make the choice."

"The same choice you made?"

All of a sudden Vicki runs out of the house Stefan looks at Elena "I can track her" Elena nods "Go" but Aurelia follows him out "I'm coming with you, Stefan... I may not like her that much but she's Matt's only family at this point and he's one of my best friends" Stefan nods grabbing ahold of the Gilbert girl and using his vampire speed and sense to track Vicki.

They end up in the cemetery and Stefan looks at Vicki "Vicki" the Donovan girl looks at him as he steps toward her "I'm starting to remember things, what he is, what he said. I remember you. The hospital, the...the rooftop, it's all coming back."

"I'm so sorry. Damon had no right to do this to you." Aurelia is watching from the side sadly sure Vicki wasn't her favorite person but she didn't deserve this to be happening to her.

"He said that I need to feed. What will happen if I don't?" Stefan looks at the girl "You'll fade quickly...And then it'll all just be over." Vicki looks at him like she's about to cry "I'll be dead." Stefan takes another step closer to her "Hey." she looks him in the eye "I don't want this."

Stefan gives her an understanding look "I know. It'll be ok. You're gonna be ok. I can help you."

"Is it better? Is it better? Will I be better? I wanna go home. Will you take me home?" Stefan nods "Ok."

The gunshots are heard and Stefan is hurt leaving Aurelia watching wide-eyed as Damon bites Logan and throws him to the ground before removing the bullet from Stefan "It's wood. They know. If anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me. My ring."

Vicki drinks Logan's blood, Stefan looks at her "No! No! Vicki!" she looks at him with blood on her face "I'm sorry." Damon shrugs "Oops" he picks up the Compass and flashes off.

Aurelia stood there staring at the discarded gun that Logan dropped when Damon bit him with wooden bullets in it and this intense anger overtook her and the next thing she knew was the gun was in her hands and she was emptying the clip into Logan Fell's chest.

He hurt her Aunt Jenna and was trying to kill her friends and It's like she couldn't control herself as the boiling rage overtook her, that is until she drops to the ground, just for a brief minute it felt like all of her bones were breaking.

What nobody saw was the way her eyes glowed yellow.

She yelled out and then it was over and she looked in front of her and saw the body bullet holes in the torso that's when she noticed that the gun was in her hands.

Stefan looks at her "Aurelia? What just happened?"

She shakes her head looking at Stefan scared with tears in her eyes "I don't know... I saw the gun and then I thought about how he hurt Jenna and I got really angry... I had never felt anger like that before then I thought about how he was trying to hurt my friends it was like I blacked out with rage and then the next thing I know that the gun is in my hand and that it felt like every bone in my body was breaking and then I was back in control like nothing happened"

Stefan helps her up from the ground "It's okay Aurelia we will figure out what's happening to you" she nodded tears in her eyes the tears fell down her face as it sank in she just killed a man.

Stefan made sure she got home okay, Elena was waiting out front for them but Aurelia paid her no mind as she walked into the house and straight up to her room as if on autopilot still in shock at what just happened.

She walked into her bathroom with her pajamas and she looked in the mirror whispering to herself as it fully sank in what she did tonight tears falling down her face "you killed a man, a human being you ended his life, he may have been a prick but he didn't deserve to die"

Then she quickly looked away from her reflection and changed clothes putting her now dirty clothes in the hamper and walking into her room and crawling into her bed. the one thought running through her head "I killed someone tonight"

Dreamer {Kai Parker}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz